Friday, 30 December 2022

A biblical mis-quotation

"The sun shines on the righteous". That's what they say, isn't it? Sounds about right to me. 

Oh, Gail is telling me to check my facts, and that I am guilty of selective quotation. She directed me to the old family bible (King James version) and to Matthew Chapter 5, Verse 45: 

"That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."

She says Matthew must have been thinking about fox terriers when he wrote this section of his gospel.

Which is of course ridiculous.

Happy Nature Friday friends!

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

A typical winter walk in Duthie Park

Regular readers of this blog will know that the early morning walk in Duthie Park is an important part of the daily routine here in the Nobby and Gail household.

Come rain or shine, snow or gales, we are out there at break of day. 

Here's a short account of yesterday's dawn excursion.

I'm on my lead for the quarter of a mile walk to the park entrance, where Gail releases me.

I check Gail's coming, then run into the park, not forgetting to decorate both the fancy wrought iron gate and the bin just behind it.

I make brief detour to investigate an alluringly pungent in smell the rhododendron shrubbery before reaching the brightly lit Park Café. The café doesn't open for another couple of hours and Gail, as always, tuts at the waste of energy. 

Looking the other way, we both admire the sunrise (it's about 8 am), and I scan the park for potential playmates.

My keen eyes soon spot a moving green light below left of the bandstand, and recognise this as the fluorescent collar belonging to one of the park regulars, Black Labrador Charlie. 

There is a brief interlude where I ignore Gail's calls and race off to say hi to Charlie, and Gail rudely interrupts our game saying "can't you see Nobby, he doesn't want you jumping all over him today" and drags me away. This episode is not recorded on camera.  

I hope Charlie doesn't think my pink light is "girlie". 

Further along, I pause again and check to see if any more of my park pals have turned up. Sadly not. The grass is a wee bit frosty on the paws. 

We complete the circuit of the park in about twenty minutes and I halt in front of the new 'Outdoor Nursery' building. The small humans who attend the nursery have not yet arrived. I wonder if they will be playing outside today. I patiently wait for Gail to put on my lead for the short walk home.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, the same pattern will repeat, with minor variations.

Monday, 26 December 2022

Christmas Day Picnic: recommended

Apparently it is not the commonly done thing, to have a Christmas Day picnic. At least not if you live in the north of Scotland.

I just can't imagine why it isn't a more popular option.

You get to enjoy a lovely walk through the pine woods on the way to your favourite picnic spot. None of the well-wrapped humans are grumpy from spending all morning in the kitchen fretting about the turkey.

The essential trappings of a civilised Christmas lunch - a table cloth, festive napkins, pigs in blankets, prosecco etc. can easily be carried in a backpack. 

It's well known that food eaten outdoors and in good company* always taste better, especially if consumed after a two and a half mile hike.

Of course it is important to check that you leave the picnic spot in the same pristine state as you found it.

So to summarise - our Christmas outing to Glen Tanar was a simply brilliant experience. I didn't even mind that Gail insisted on adding a wee "festive touch" to my harness. 

Did you have a nice Christmas Day?

*Regular readers will recognise our dear friends M and J.

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Setting the record straight

Well as you can see, I've been having fun out and about in the snow this week. So much so in fact that I fear I've left it rather late to get in touch with Santa Claus. But it has come to my notice how he might have been receiving 'mixed messages' about my behaviour these past eleven months, so I hope this wee poem will set the record straight...

Dear Father Christmas

Let me remind you how I'm Nice 
(It's possible you've got it wrong!)
But 'Naughty Nobby' cuts no ice,
So many good things I have done.

When Gail lost Bertie and was sad,
I came along and cheered her up,
With limitless exuberance, 
And being just the cutest pup.

I love to travel in a car,
I never bark, or whine or yap,
I love to meet dogs in the park.
I'm such an affable young chap.

In cafés I'm so well-behaved
You'd scarcely know I'm there at all,
And out on walks, when off the lead
I generally come when called.

At night I settle in my crate,
And sleep right through 'til break of day.
And then, with thanks, I meditate
On all the fun I'll have today.

And all my so-called 'Naughtiness',
(No need, I think, to catalogue),
Can, without doubt, be reassessed
As great material for my blog!

Monday, 19 December 2022

Winter walkies?

WFT says WTF! 

Do your humans ever go out with planks attached to their boots?

Friday, 16 December 2022

Arctic magnificence

Apparently we needed to make a quick visit to Torridon this week to 'winter-proof' the cottage now that Winter Proper has arrived.

It's a four hour drive across from Aberdeen to our special part of the West Coast, and the last hour is on roads which are remote, narrow and twisty. The final bit down to the cottage is a gradient of up to 20%...

A scene of Arctic magnificence greeted us in Torridon and I was secretly hoping we'd be stuck there for the week, especially when the neighbour farmer told us that the local snow plough was out of action, having skidded on the ice on a sharp bend and come off the road a few days previously.

But Gail insisted she had "stuff to do" back in Aberdeen and, after yet more snow had fallen, she was mighty relieved to see the snow plough finally arrive at our side gate.

And so we made it safely home to the city and, er, guess what, more snow! 

Happy Nature Friday friends! Have you been enjoying Winter Splendour in your part of the world?

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Montmorency or The Grinch?

Our dear blog friend Cecilia recently provided Gail with this (photoshopped) image, apparently thinking it particularly appropriate to a certain wire-haired fox terrier. 

What me, the Grinch? The one who 'Stole Christmas' ? I just can't imagine why anyone might see a connection. 

Gail thinks he might at least be a better role model than my own hero, fictional fox terrier 'Montmorency'. 

In the classic English comic novel 'Three Men in a Boat' it is observed, with reference to Montmorency and his behaviour, that "fox terriers are born with about four times as much original sin in them as other dogs are..."

Respect, Montmorency!

Oh. Gail tells me that the Grinch, unlike Montmorency, does at least learn the error of his ways, and she hopes that one day I will too.

But here I must offer an alternative view. What Gail regards as an expensive misdemeanour committed last week when her attention was elsewhere during our visit to Dunoon ...

...I see as me providing Gail with a kind and thoughtful prompt to go for a long overdue eye test and order a more flattering pair of glasses with an up to date prescription.

Misdemeanour? I think not.

Monday, 12 December 2022

Winter questions

Just a couple of things today.

First, a question about winter etiquette. 

I am right, aren't I, that one is not expected to obey the command "Come Nobby!" when there is a covering of snow on the ground?

And particularly so if one has found a new Golden Retriever playmate in the woods.

Then there's the issue of my crate. Gail is worried that it is now too small as when I am in the 'sit' position my head touches the roof, and I cannot stretch out my long legs fully. But I like to sleep in there, all curled up and snug, especially now that Gail has draped a blanket over the crate for added cosiness. I'm sure you'll agree there is no need for any changes to my night-time sleeping arrangements, just 'cos I'm a Big Boy now.

Friday, 9 December 2022

A "knavish sprite"?

From Tuesday: 

Now Nobby, our dear friend YAM-aunty has suggested we go for a walk in Puck's Glen today. I think that sounds just the perfect place for you.

The perfect place for me? How so Gail? 

Surely you've heard of Puck from Midsummer Night's Dream? The "shrewd and knavish sprite". He causes all sorts of mayhem. A kindred spirit, I would contend. 

Gail, you are teasing me aren't you? Is it a nice place for a hike?

Well let's go and see. 

Ooh look, a steep, rocky ravine in a dark and enchanted forest!

Rocks all emerald with moss and ferns! 

Waterfalls galore! 

A fun footbridge to peer over (and alarm Gail, just a tiny bit)! 

And finally, a glimpse of some winter sunshine at the top. Truly magical! 

Gosh thanks YAM-aunty, that was a grrrrreat recommendation! 

We hope all our Nature Friday friends enjoyed the hike too. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Full disclosure time....

So Gail and I have been staying down in Dunoon with our dear friend YAM-aunty for a few days.

Everything has been nice. 

Nice walkies in the forest.

Nice visits to the café.

Nice new friends by the River Eachaig.

(Especially Myrtle the Airedale. She was really Nice.)

Then there was Nice digging on the beach.

Exceptionally Nice weather 

And of course Nice cuddles with YAM-aunty. 

So it all adds up to Nice Nobby, right? 

We don't really have to tell everyone about YAM-aunty's favourite woolly hat, do we Gail? 

Oh apparently we do. 

And apparently the fact that this treasured family heirloom now has a hole chewed in the side and is mysteriously minus its bobble is considered to be a Bad Thing.

Naughty Nobby? Surely not!