Friday, 16 December 2022

Arctic magnificence

Apparently we needed to make a quick visit to Torridon this week to 'winter-proof' the cottage now that Winter Proper has arrived.

It's a four hour drive across from Aberdeen to our special part of the West Coast, and the last hour is on roads which are remote, narrow and twisty. The final bit down to the cottage is a gradient of up to 20%...

A scene of Arctic magnificence greeted us in Torridon and I was secretly hoping we'd be stuck there for the week, especially when the neighbour farmer told us that the local snow plough was out of action, having skidded on the ice on a sharp bend and come off the road a few days previously.

But Gail insisted she had "stuff to do" back in Aberdeen and, after yet more snow had fallen, she was mighty relieved to see the snow plough finally arrive at our side gate.

And so we made it safely home to the city and, er, guess what, more snow! 

Happy Nature Friday friends! Have you been enjoying Winter Splendour in your part of the world?


  1. That is indeed Arctic magnificence. At least you could admire it in sunshine Nobby. You might have felt differently about staying if you got snowed in without adequate supplies of dog food. Paw smacks Mr T

    1. Mr T, in fact there is more dog food than human food stored in the cottage, so it was a real concern that Gail might start eating my lamb and rice kibble. Toodle-oo! Nobby.

  2. Oh, it does look pretty Nobby. I don't think I've ever seen snow, so don't know if it's fun to roll around in. Have you tried that yet?
    Glad you made it safely back to Aberdeen. Carol says that it's often very cold and snowy where you live, so you get used to having cold paws when you're out walking. Don't think I'd like that - my Retriever coat is often too hot in summer, but just right now it's only 10ยบ!
    Indy xx

  3. wow that looks like the perfect white wonderland... we got no snow although the weather guy promised some for yesterday...

  4. The driving doesn't look like much fun, but what a beautiful area if you are done driving!

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I am super impressed that you have such personal snow plough service in the westy-west of northern Bonny Land! (Though worrying that the plough itself is prone to winter weather whoopsies...) Golly, though, it does make for pretty. Over by the Hutch we are back to multi-shades of grey, though the hilltops are white. At the moment. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Your snow is so beautiful, Nobby! We have rain today and it's melting what little snow I did have.

  7. What breathing views to the cottage. WOW Well done to Gail on the end of the drive. It was a winter wonderland for sure.
    OMDs and you had some waiting at home. How nice of Old Man Winter
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. wow! gorgeous arctic like photos ~ Glad you are home safe ~ always wonderful to see you sweet Nobby ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. We are jealous of all the snow you have, Nobby. We finally got some to stick to the ground, but it is only an inch or two. Our paws are crossed that more comes our way soon.

  10. We got some snow here in WNY too. Well, actually it was more like slush with ice under it. Not as scenic as the places you went.

  11. Such a beautiful winter wonderland Nobby!!

  12. SOOOOOO beautiful! We wish we were there with all that snowy goodness!

    Rosie and Redford


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