Monday 7 November 2022

Exploring an Aberdeen water feature

A change today from mountains, forests and lochs. We are venturing into the urban landscape of Aberdeen city centre.

On Friday, when Gail proposed we walk together across town to pick up the car from the garage two miles away*, I was, I admit, less than thrilled.

Just grey city streets, no off-lead time, no playing with other dogs.

But I'm pleased to report the outing was not wholly without interest. First Gail made me 'pose nicely' by the water feature in front of Marischal (pronounced Marshall) College.

Then she filmed me watching the fountains spouting for a few seconds.

Finally, as the street was quiet, Gail let me go and investigate. I suspect she was hoping that the water would erupt again while I was enjoying a wee paddle, so she could film my reaction, but no such luck Gail! 

The rest of the walk was rather boring, to be honest.

*Gail explains: A tyre pressure gauge was damaged in the Torridon burst tyres incident, and needed fixed.


  1. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I admit I was waiting to see if you got spouted in the tummy!!! It is a pretty feature... but I wonder how effective given the prevailing weather conditions - or am I just judging from my Hutch persepctive? (It is so grim outside that fountain would be absolutely lost!!!) Hugs and wags, YAM_aunty xxx

    1. Wet here too, but probably not as bad as Dunoon!

  2. it is as if all that fountains give you standing ovations... even the noise was the same :O))

  3. Nice Nobby with the water. I went on to see Bertie and Rosie back in a following clip.

  4. What is a boring walk for the two of you is totally fascinating to me. Wow! love the buidings and the amazing water feature. I am wondering just what you were thinking about that water. Is that 87 water fountains for dogs? a doggy bath? showers for pups? you are such a good boy, no naughty Nobby anywhere in sight. Love the post

  5. You are very brave to get so close to those erupting fountain water spouts, Nobby!

  6. Nobby I call that an exciting walk! The erupting fountains looked like good fun unless they caught you unawares. I expect they are turned off if it's below freezing, or do they turn into an ice-skating rink?
    Lindy xx

  7. You were very brave to get so close to those waterspouts, Nobby. At least they didn't jump up and drench you when you got close to them.

  8. Nobby I'd love to take a walk around Aberdeen with you (oh have I ever told you and Gail we have an Aberdeen here in NC about 60 miles from us).
    I love x 87 that fountain. I don't think I've ever seen you that still for 41 seconds (first video). In the second video your excitement started at the tip of your WFT tail.
    That was such fun
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. We are so glad you didn't fall for Gail's attempt to get you wet...It is a very interesting and pretty water feature!

  10. Wow, it would have been hilarious if those fountains had decided to spout and shower you! Your leash must be awfully wet and soggy for Miss Gail to hang on to after your fountain scrutiny.

  11. I prefer grass under my feet. Country living is the life for me.


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