Monday 31 October 2022

All's well that ends well

As King Charles might say: "Oh dear oh dear oh dear".

So last Thursday, Gail packed up the car and we set off from the cottage, heading for Inshriach House near Aviemore, where one of Gail's friends organises an annual gathering and I was to take part for the first time. So exciting! 

For the first five miles of the hunded mile drive, all went well.

Then, as we were passing through Torridon village at about 10 am, I was startled by sudden loud bang, the car swerving into the curb then a second even louder bang. I heard Gail utter certain words which I've been told not to repeat on this blog.

Long story short, punctured tyres, front and back on the left side of the car, a phone call to the AA, a wait of two hours and finally the recovery vehicle from Lochcarron garage arrived. 

Cue a slow journey to Lochcarron in the recovery truck, during which 'S' from Glasgow related his troubled life history (two marriages, two divorces, past problems with alcohol, job loss due to the pandemic, accumulating debts leading to house repossession, a move to a trailer in the Highlands) and political views (anti Brexit, pro-Scottish independence). None of this was making Gail look any happier.

Then a wait of three hours in the tea room above the repair shop, where Gail had to opportunity to peruse unfamiliar material in the form of motoring magazines and a nice lady gave me a biscuit.

The good news is that by 4:30 pm the car was roadworthy again, with two brand new tyres fitted. We reached Inshriach House shortly after dark, where my new best friend Lyn gave me the warmest of welcomes. I was happy enough, but to tell you the truth, Gail was still looking a wee bit stressed...

More about our time at Inshriach later in the week...


  1. Oh dear, oh dear indeed Nobby. What a traumatic start to your journey, but at least all was well in the end. And you got a biscuit too! I'm sure with good friends around her, Gail soon cheered up and you all enjoyed your stay. Looks as though you are getting some nice cuddles.
    Carol xx

  2. Hari OM
    Lochcarron???!!! Struth, that knocked my off my usual ' Well Nobby' start to the comment 😲 This is a story fitting for Halloween. But I rather wish you hadn't had to experience it. Two tyres in one go suggests there was stuff lying that ought not to be... anyhoo, over and done and I can't quite believe it was already Inshriach time. Where did that year go to...???????? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Oh no - this was not good. Hopefully, you and Gail are now recovered and will have a wonderful time. Happy Halloween!

  4. Oh Nobby I am all stressed out just reading about this non-adventure just the waiting would make me crazy and the cost of the new tires and having to sit in the tea room and you and your crate it was just really really stressful and you told such a good story. I did have to giggle out loud one time when you were reciting the story of this sad man's life and he had a captive audience. I hope the rest of the story will be a happier one

  5. Two tires, that's a double whammy! At least there was ready help, if a tad long-winded....On the bright side, it looks like you've joined a lovely gathering.

  6. We're glad to hear it was only the tires and you didn't get into an accident from those sudden punctures. That sure was quite an adventure and we're glad you finally made it to your destination.

  7. Nobby OMDs OMDs OMDs thank goodness you and Gail are A OK that was very scary. Tire blowouts are very loud an 2 on one side of the car must have made for a very bumpy ride to the side.
    Why is it S felt Gail wanted to listen to him "air our all his dirty laundry" (as we say on this side of the Pond) is beyond me. Thankful for AA though and that you and Gail made it to your destination before bedtime.

    I look forward to hearing about your time at the beautiful cottage
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Crikey that's dramatic (even the life story sounds like a drama). Good to know no animals (or humans) were harmed in the incident. Harm to Gail's nerves could easily be understood so be nice to her. Paw smacks Mr T

  9. Sometimes the harder you travel the more rewarding the trip

  10. Whew! Sounds like a true "adventure" Nobby, we sure hope things lightened up a bit for Gail during the rest of your holiday!

  11. Wow! Talk about bad luck! Hopefully the rest of your holiday will be great.

  12. Yikes! Two flat tires, that is crazy! Glad that you got things fixed relatively quickly to be on your way to your next adventure, and even bad things happening can qualify as adventures, right?

    Rosie and Redford

  13. Tire failure never asks about the schedule of those in the car...glad it all ended well, even after all the stress and delays.


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