Friday 4 October 2024

Indecisive trees

It's that time of year here in Aberdeen when the leaves on the trees can't quite make up their minds.

There's the optimists thinking it's not quite time to give up on the photosynthesising business, and the realists who know that colder nights and shorter daylight hours mean the energy cost is too great and are ready to call it a day. 

We've had lots of sunshine this week and I've been been out and about in the streets and parks near our home, admiring the splendid display of colours as the trees try to decide which season it is!  

Happy Nature Friday! 

Maybe we'll find out if the leaves have made up their minds in other parts of the world if we visit all the posts in the LLB Gang's wonderful weekly Nature Friday blog hop. 


  1. Nobby, we don't care if the trees can't make up their minds - they all look beautiful - a delight to the eye! The last photo with you sitting beneath those bright pink leaves is my favourite.
    Paca xx

  2. Hari OM
    Well Nobby, colour me impressed!!! Outstanding beauty around you this week. Hope you are ready for that run at the weekend... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Your autumn leaves are turning nicely, Nobby. We have more green than colorful ones still. Our temps are supposed to be cooler next week so hopefully, that will speed the process along.

  4. I love the reds Nobby. You have found a good selection of those. I hope you are taking good care of Gail.

  5. After drowning in rain for months, we are desparate for rain once again and the trees are losing leaves without the pretty colors as they are so stressed for water. Your trees are quite pretty.

  6. Our trees are not as advanced as yours, and are only just beginning to colour. The idea of confused trees is quite appealing.

  7. You found some beautiful fall color, Nobby. Around here there isn't much color in the leaves yet.

  8. BOL BOL Nobby indecisive trees what a great title WOW love it but I really really x 87 like the blue skies.
    Happy Nature Friday
    Hugs cecilia

    1. Gail says: normally when I take photos here in Scotland my phone kindly asks if I want to adjust the colour of the sky. For once, it didn't do that this week!

    2. For sure on Smart phone on the planet could improve on the color of Scottish Skies.
      Hugs Cecilia

  9. Oh my gosh Nobby, those are beautiful trees..and those skies...WOW, we love how blue they are!!
    Rosy & Sunny
    PeeEss from Beth...In the past 2-3 years, Rosy has become "that dog" who is obsessed with every little furry animal. She became aware of Rock Squirrels in our backyard earlier this year(and actually got a hold of one of them). So when she saw them at the GC, her obession deepened. Silly girl...

  10. We sort of like that indecisiveness of color - a bit of a autumnal rainbow of color. Our trees are all mostly green, and the weather babblers say the colors will be short-lived if we don't get some rain soon.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Nobby, I think your leaf colors are off to a good start. Our blueberries and snowball bush have turned crimson here on the Northern California coast. Your blue sky is stunning!

  12. Our leaves are also having trouble making up their minds Nobby. Lee and Phod who think this is the best smelling time of year.


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