Monday 7 October 2024

The support troops have been mobilised


Nobby here. 

It's been a confusing few days. My normally energetic human has been lounging around at home and has apparently mobilised her network of friends here in Aberdeen to take me out for walks. It seems Gail has developed 'abdominal issues' and is feeling increasingly tired and out of sorts. Tests and scans are underway. She says dealing with the National Health Service is more complicated and frustrating than is the case with veterinary care.

Going out for walks with different folk is good fun, and we are both grateful for their kindness, but I do hope things get back to normal again soon.

PS from Gail: I'm afraid Nobby's blogging activity may be disrupted for a while.


  1. Dear Nobby, hopefully your life will return to normal, but in the meanwhile I am sure all your blogger friends are wishing you and Gail all the best. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Thinking of you. Liz

  2. we send lots of potp to your gail and we hope she will get good news when the results are in... and thanks to your friends who help with taking care of the world bestest nobby.

  3. Nobby, pass on to Gail our heartfelt hopes she gets answers and cure really soon. It is very unlike your energetic human to be under the weather so make sure you take extra good care of her. Xxx F and Mr B

  4. Its so good to have friends and great neighbours who can help out in times of need.
    Us pups send out bestest POTP for your Gail.and petcretary will pray too. We all want her to feel better ASAP, and we hope the medical team can sort out the trouble and help her get back to doing everything you and her love to do together!

  5. Nobby, we are so sorry to hear that Gail isn't well, but hope that she will soon be in good health again. Meanwhile make sure you don't cause her any stress and be a very good boy. You are lucky to have people to walk you, so we know you'll be on your very best behaviour.
    Sending Good Luck to Gail.
    Paca xx

  6. So sorry to hear that your favourite human is under the weather, Nobby. We hope that tests and scans will be carried out speedily and that answers will be swiftly forthcoming and reassuring. Chasing up results is very wearing, so we hope Gail doesn't have to do too much of that. Take good care of her, Nobby. x x x

  7. We send Gail tons of healing vibes and hugs to both of you, Nobby.

  8. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, this is not like Gail at all, is it? I understand your confusion. Just know that those of us more distant are sending pawsitive vibes Aberdeen ways that the tests are prompt and results fast as well as helpful enough for treatment to also get done and dusted. The worst bit about being a patient is finding patience! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  9. prayers for both of you and lots of healing POTP coming to you, we have not been blogging due to 3 storms in 8 weeks and now a huge hurricane is headed staringt for us. hugs and love and God bless your friends for walking Nobby

  10. Wishing you all the very best and good healing!
    Mariette + Kitties

  11. Dear Nobby and Gail....
    The troops of mobilized across the Pond too. Bryan and I send Gail tons and tons of pawsitive health wishes. Nobby to your walkers I say a great big huge thank you. Gail has taught you all the necessary manners for adapting to new and fun situations. Gail can 100% concentrate on her healing and recovery.
    Many many hugs to you both
    Cecilia and Bryan

  12. Prayers and purrs fur yer mum Nobby.

  13. Indeed, good friends and good neighbors are welcome in these trying circumstances. Our very best wishes and kind thoughts to you and to Gail. /Fay, James Bone, Eowyn, and Rose

  14. Nobby, tell Gail (telepathically, as she is in hospital) that she has friends around the world rooting for her quick recovery and discharge!

  15. Oh Nobby. We have our paws crossed tight that the doctors can figure out what is ailing Gail and have her back to you in no time. You and Gail are so lucky to have so many good friends to help look after you.

  16. Oh no! Let your human know we are all concerned and send her wishes for a fast diagnosis and even quicker recovery!!! Your human came to the USA and we got to sniff her so we know she smells like kindness and joy. Our humans send hugs and we send wags.

    Your Pals,
    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Nobby, this is unsettling news but we know you'll be well cared for by dear friends. Gail, my prayers will be with you for a speedy and full recovery.

  18. Dear one I am thinking of you and sending positive vibes and thoughts for fast answers and full recovery. Love, Lana and Ernie

  19. Sending Gail lots and lots of POTP in hopes she gets well soon Nobby. We know you'll be in good hands until things get back to normal.
    Rosy, Sunny & Beth

  20. Nobby so sorry to hear your routine has been interfered with. We know what that’s like! But we wish Gail good luck and tests that can help her back on her bike soon. Lots of love…

  21. Paws together from Ann and June.

  22. I hope your Mum feels better soon. I am guessing she is grateful for he NHS (apparently in America you pay for a lot more sheesh). Get well get bck so Nobby sees you soon!

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  23. Nobby we send much love and purrayers to your Mum and to you too !

  24. I will add your mom to my prayer list.

  25. Your Mom is at the top of our Mom's prayer list and we are crossing all our paws for Gail to be OK. Please give her some sloppy kisses from us.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  26. Sending lots of love and prayers to your Mom for a quick and full recovery. Hugs!

  27. We hope your human feels much better soon! Sending purrs and love.


We love it when you woof back!