Wednesday 2 October 2024

Foxy walk - the code of conduct

Perhaps some readers have seen previous posts featuring the monthly Aberdeen & Shire fox terrier walk, and would appreciate tips on appropriate etiquette should they care one day to join us.

As ever, I'm happy to help out.

We assemble at 11 am on the last Sunday of the month at the designated meeting point. This month it was the Castle Fraser Estate car park.
Front left to right: Merin, Rupert, Luna, Nobby and Agatha

Greeting one's pals with butt-sniffing enthusiasm is of course acceptable. However, timid newcomers must be treated with polite respect. 

When well away from the parking area and any dangerous traffic, we are generally allowed off the lead and there the real fun begins. 

Don't tell the humans, but between us foxies, there's an unspoken (un-barked?) competition to see who can find the wettest and muddiest spot. My girlfriend/partner in crime Agatha usually wins, with me a close second...

Hmmm. I emerged from today's water fight disappointingly clean...

Later in the walk, before returning to the car park, the humans persist in the delusion that we might all pose nicely for a 'team photo'.

It's bonus points to the first WFT to break ranks. 

At the end of the walk, the humans decide where to meet the next month, and we all keep paws crossed that they chose somewhere with maximum opportunities for terrier mischief and mayhem. 

Why not join us in Haddo Country Park in late October? The good news is there'll be muddy ditches a-plenty...


  1. What a glorious day out Nobby and I feel certain that your promotional encouragement will make every WFT in blog world want to join you.

  2. You certainly had a good time Nobby - pity about the lack of mud!
    Well, it's rather a long way to come to join you next month, much as I'd love to and being a Boston terrier, not Wire Haired, would probably eliminate me! Never mind, I'll just enjoy your report from your next get-together!
    Paca xx

    1. Paca, you would be most welcome. We're not a snobby bunch. Sometimes we are joined by Snowflake the Schnauzer and she's not even a terrier!

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, that all seems neatly defined and good to see you are an ardent adherant to these rules! If only agility were so arranged, eh? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. It's such a joy to see a number of the same breed together. Wishing you mud and fun for your next outing.

  5. It looks like all of you are having a wonderful time and I hope next time there will be mud!

  6. It looks like top fun for everyone, Nobby. Better luck on the mud next time.

  7. Nobby I love seeing you and Agatha interact with such sweet greetings
    and OMDs she is every WFT boys dream.. a girl who doesn't mind a bit of mud.
    Merin appears to be a bit different type of WFT, shaved or smooth coated and
    his ears stand up.
    Looking forward to the next Meet and Greet
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS I finally got to take a overdue dry EMW...I know I shouldn't be afraid of a wee bit of rain. September has 7" surplus rain fall

  8. You Foxies sure know how to have a good time!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. You all sure look like you're having a great time together. If we lived closer we would love to be unofficial terriers for a day to join you.

  10. You make a wonderful teacher, Nobby, complete with clear description and visual demonstrations of the rules. We will be sure to abide by them if we figure out a way to get there.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. It is like witnessing a meeting of the UN security council

  12. This gathering is so cool! We love seeing you frolicking about! And yes, not cooperating for a group photo is a very dog-like trait!!!

    Rosie and Redford


We love it when you woof back!