Wednesday, 30 October 2024

I wasn't fat after all!

Can you believe that of late a couple of Gail's friends suggested to her that I might just be getting a wee bit chubby?

Even my owner had begun to wonder.

It is true some things are having to change in the Gail and Nobby household, as Gail is sadly no longer able to take me on my customary frequent long walks. But fret not, I now have a crack team of willing helpers and so I am in no way going short of exercise. 

For example, on Saturday, our friend John took me on a most enjoyable romp up an old favourite, Millstone Hill.

You'll see in the photo John took on the walk that I was looking very shaggy, Gail having been neglecting my normal grooming routine this month. 

We all know the line: "He's not fat he's fluffy".

So Gail (with the invaluable assistance of dear YAM-aunty) took me for my first ever professional grooming appointment on Sunday and you know what? 

A three hour session with nice Emily at the Dog Cabin near Inverurie revealed that I was not overweight after all! 

Quite svelte in fact, don't you think?

Monday, 28 October 2024

Sophie from Romania

Today I want to tell you about Gail's new audiobook 'Sophie from Romania'.

This tale, just published, relates how former BBC Technology Correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones and his high powered economist wife 'The Prof' adopted Sophie, a dog from Eastern Europe, and then spent the best part of a year gently and patiently encouraging her to feel confident enough to venture from her safe space behind their red sofa and out into the world.

We learn how Rory, a naturally impatient man, deals with his Parkinson's disease as well as the frustrations of having to accept the glacially slow progress made by Sophie as she begins to conquer her fears and anxieties.

It is an unsentimental account in which each faltering step forward is celebrated and inevitable doubts about whether they are following the best course of action with Sophie are honestly expressed.

As a sub-plot, we learn about the reactions of #SophiefromRomania's legion of followers on Instagram and Twitter/X to her every step, and the impact this has on Rory and his wife. 

[The audiobook version is beautifully read by the author, whom Gail knew a little bit when she was in London in the early 1980's and Rory, at the time a BBC trainee journalist, lived in Battersea in the flat below her then boyfriend.]

Highly recommended to all dog lovers! 

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Morning kisses

Guess who's come to visit?

Many readers will recognise our dear friend YAM-aunty.

You can see my tail was wagging with such enthusiasm that it looks all blurry in the photo.

If Gail had a tail it would be have been wagging with delight too.

Monday, 21 October 2024

Home Sweet Home

Well friends the good news is that I am home again with Gail after my unscheduled - but actually quite fun - stay with my Craigmancie foxy relatives.

Gail is also home from what she says was an altogether less fun ten days in hospital.

After I reacquainted myself with my favourite toys, 

And checked up on the neighbours,

And had a little rest,

Gail sat me down and with a serious face said Nobby we have to talk.

I noticed that she is even thinner than before, and isn't her usual frisky self. She told me that from now on things are going to have to change a bit, as she still not at all well, and I am to be a Good Boy when her friends take me out for walks. 

Of course I am always a Good Boy. 

She also says that I might have to cut down on my blogging activity but we will still try to keep in touch with our blog pals as much as possible. 

And then she gave me a big cuddle.

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Taking a break

So yesterday, Muriel and Anne (two of Gail's many kind friends) drove me out to my holiday home at Craigmancie Foxies. Apparently I'll be staying here for a while, enjoying the company of my fox terrier relatives.

While I'm happy to be here, I'm sad to report that my owner Gail is now in hospital and not at all well, and this blog is taking an unscheduled break.

Monday, 7 October 2024

The support troops have been mobilised


Nobby here. 

It's been a confusing few days. My normally energetic human has been lounging around at home and has apparently mobilised her network of friends here in Aberdeen to take me out for walks. It seems Gail has developed 'abdominal issues' and is feeling increasingly tired and out of sorts. Tests and scans are underway. She says dealing with the National Health Service is more complicated and frustrating than is the case with veterinary care.

Going out for walks with different folk is good fun, and we are both grateful for their kindness, but I do hope things get back to normal again soon.

PS from Gail: I'm afraid Nobby's blogging activity may be disrupted for a while.

Friday, 4 October 2024

Indecisive trees

It's that time of year here in Aberdeen when the leaves on the trees can't quite make up their minds.

There's the optimists thinking it's not quite time to give up on the photosynthesising business, and the realists who know that colder nights and shorter daylight hours mean the energy cost is too great and are ready to call it a day. 

We've had lots of sunshine this week and I've been been out and about in the streets and parks near our home, admiring the splendid display of colours as the trees try to decide which season it is!  

Happy Nature Friday! 

Maybe we'll find out if the leaves have made up their minds in other parts of the world if we visit all the posts in the LLB Gang's wonderful weekly Nature Friday blog hop. 

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Foxy walk - the code of conduct

Perhaps some readers have seen previous posts featuring the monthly Aberdeen & Shire fox terrier walk, and would appreciate tips on appropriate etiquette should they care one day to join us.

As ever, I'm happy to help out.

We assemble at 11 am on the last Sunday of the month at the designated meeting point. This month it was the Castle Fraser Estate car park.
Front left to right: Merin, Rupert, Luna, Nobby and Agatha

Greeting one's pals with butt-sniffing enthusiasm is of course acceptable. However, timid newcomers must be treated with polite respect. 

When well away from the parking area and any dangerous traffic, we are generally allowed off the lead and there the real fun begins. 

Don't tell the humans, but between us foxies, there's an unspoken (un-barked?) competition to see who can find the wettest and muddiest spot. My girlfriend/partner in crime Agatha usually wins, with me a close second...

Hmmm. I emerged from today's water fight disappointingly clean...

Later in the walk, before returning to the car park, the humans persist in the delusion that we might all pose nicely for a 'team photo'.

It's bonus points to the first WFT to break ranks. 

At the end of the walk, the humans decide where to meet the next month, and we all keep paws crossed that they chose somewhere with maximum opportunities for terrier mischief and mayhem. 

Why not join us in Haddo Country Park in late October? The good news is there'll be muddy ditches a-plenty...