Wednesday 11 September 2024


It's a bright and breezy morning here in Aberdeen and I'm happy to say that we're back into the familiar groove after a week of slight disruption.

Gail tells me that it's good to have a change in one's routine every now and then, especially if it means one can help out a pal. (The truth is we both like routine.)

On the way back from Torridon last week we picked up Gail's friend A-M in Elgin, and she was with us until yesterday when we drove her home and afterwards I was taken for a nice run in Bin Forest.

A-M did disappear (into the hospital it seems) for one night during her stay in Aberdeen and came back next day looking a bit fragile. I wanted to jump up on her lap and give here a cuddle but Gail said no Nobby, remember how you felt immediately after you had your little surgery last year.

So I was on strict orders to be a Good Boy, and I think I was, although Gail seems less certain of that.

I am usually quiet in the evening these days, but with a delicate visitor I thought it important to be extra vigilant and so after dark I took it upon myself to warn of any potential threats in the neighbourhood. In case our friend was hard of hearing, I made sure to bark quite loudly... I did stay quiet once everyone went to bed.

Last night Gail watched the video just released by the Princess of Wales about her recent cancer treatment. I think my owner might be turning into a Grumpy Old Woman.  She says she wishes the Princess well and understands that Kate's position has its particular challenges, but I also heard my owner wondering how the video might land with sufferers from cancer and other horrid diseases who did not have access to bags of money, private healthcare, a loving husband and a large and supportive family network...

Meanwhile, I am just wondering when and where we'll go for my next nice walk.


  1. It certainly looks bright and you had a good gallop in the forest, Nobby. I hope the sun continues to shine for you.

  2. Lucky you, Nobby - you have such marvellous places to explore. I wish there was somewhere nice that I could be let off my lead and have a good run. The garden is all very well, but not the same as running free in the countryside.
    Paca xx

  3. we send potp to your gails friend and we knew that you were a super good boy... we agree for the princess... we wish her all the best and a complete and good recovery and many happy years with her family... but like you said... sometimes well meant actions can become real ricochets...

  4. the one thing all three of us that live in our house agree on, is Routine. we all are lovers of routine and follow it well, routinely. ha ha I understand why you barked because if someone new is in our house, none of the 3 of us rest well. If I were a dark I would be barking with you....

  5. We can't imagine that you're not always a good boy, Nobby, and you always have the most wonderful walks!

  6. Nobby what glorious blue skies in the first photo.
    Yes indeedy very nice to have a 'change' in routine. When I told HER
    upon our return from our mini vacation, how glad I was to have my own bed and she said, "your nest is best"!!!
    I hope A-M is healing nicely since her surgery.
    It was a good boy who kept a look out for strangers in the night.
    Hugs to you and Gail.

  7. It was so nice of you and Gail to help out her friend A-M, Nobby. We know you did your best to be a good host. You sure have beautiful places to go on adventures near you.

  8. We think you were the perfect host Nobby...Sunny can confirm that keeping the house safe from strangers(leaves, specs of dust, etc) is very important!

  9. Doctor Nobby. I'm sure you know exactly what is required for the rapid re overy of your patients.

  10. I am sure you made you friend feel safe and welcome

  11. You and Gail are so good to be so kind and thoughtful to your friend, we are sure it was hard to stay calm, but you were a very good dog!

    Rosie and Redford


We love it when you woof back!