Monday 9 September 2024

A convenient climate

As the crow flies*, the Deeside Dog Agility Club training field at Drumforskie Farm is about a mile and a half from the North Sea.

Gail took me up there on Saturday afternoon for what she called a 'remedial' training session ahead of our forthcoming trip to compete in the Ayrshire Dog Agility Show. (Apparently my performance at our club night on Tuesday had been "unsatisfactory in every respect"...)

Gosh it really was quite hot and sticky in the sunshine and still air up at Drumforskie this weekend. 

Isn't it convenient that here in North East Scotland we have this climate phenomenon known as 'haar'.

After my training session Gail drove us the short distance to the coast, and we went for a refreshing walk along the fog-shrouded cliff path, where the temperature was down at least 5ÂșC compared to inland.

Later, of course, I enjoyed a good nap on the sofa. 

*I'm wondering here if I should have written the more locally relevant "As the herring gull flies" but Gail says there is no way any self-respecting Aberdeen seagull would travel in a straight line if it had the opportunity to veer off course and snatch a bag of chips out of the hands of an unsuspecting visitor... 


  1. we have that haar thing too.. it is very haar-y in the morning... we love the video how fabulous you ran through that poles!!! well done

  2. Nobby, we are very impressed with your agility (and Gail doesn't do too badly either!) so we're sure you'll do very well at the next agility trials.
    I've had an exciting morning. We went for our first walk along the promenade, now that many of the tourists have departed. Then, because I was such a good girl and didn't bark at any of the dogs we saw even when they barked at me, we went to the dog park. What fun that was - I ran round with a Labradoodle, then I helped a Collie chase it's tennis ball - and didn't try to steal it! I'll try to be very good next time we go down to the beach - I had treats when we came home!
    Paca xx

  3. Your weaving was impressive, Nobby. Well done!

  4. You are getting to be the expert at agility, Nobby!

  5. wild clapping for your run and weaving in and out and also clapping for Gail for that run with you. alas, you would not be able to RUN with me. ha ha.

  6. Very impressive weaving Nobby. Grand slalom next. What do you think you would be like on a snow board?

  7. Nobby remedial training is always good...'cause you know if 'Gail ain't happy,
    ain't nobuddy happy'!!! Good luck at the trials and I know you will shine as bright as the star you are.
    Seagulls and chips.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You did those weave poles like a champ, Nobby. We have our paws crossed that you do well at your upcoming competition.

  9. Great work on the agility course, Nobby and Gail. We wish you luck in your next competition. After all that hard work and then the time by the coast, no wonder you needed a good nap.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. We thought that weaving you did was extra impressive! We couldn't do that in a million years because, well, we are huskies! Hahaha!

    Rosie and Redford


We love it when you woof back!