Friday 13 September 2024

Same picture, different perspectives?

I'm wondering what you see and think when you look at the photo Gail took on my early morning walk yesterday?

Do you see the pretty white Japanese anemones in the background and think how lucky Gail and Nobby are to live near a park where the gardens are so carefully tended and colourful throughout the year? 

Do you see a wire-haired fox terrier and think gosh what a handsome fellow and isn't he posing nicely? 

Maybe you see Gail's gloved hand and think (correctly) that it must be cold now in Aberdeen and really their summers are far too short? 

Or maybe you see something else entirely? Do tell.

Happy Nature Friday friends! 


  1. we have that too... what a surprise! but the mama is still in shorts... we can lace a bet when she looks like a smurf in this cold....

  2. Well, we can assume that it's cold by the thick gloves and "layers" that Gail is wearing. I don't suppose it matters so much to you, Nobby, with your luxuriant fur to keep you warm. I do wonder if Gail is placing a restraining hand on you to keep you by her side, as you don't seem to be wearig a lead. I'm not allowed off mine in case I see a C-A-T and give chase!
    Paca xx

  3. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, I saw all the above... And said "snap!" I too am now into cardigan and knee rug as I sit in Ochiltree having breakfast and catching up on blogs. Taking a few minutes this morning to let folk know I'm watching!) Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. My first thought was that it was cold and then that Nobby was being persuaded to pose nicely and not chase after what has clearly attracted his attention.

  5. The first thing we noticed was Gail's glove and thought that the temps are nippy. You don't have to worry about nippy as you have a wonderful fur coat, Nobby, and honestly, we didn't notice the flowers until we started reading and they are just beautiful!

  6. Our first thought was, my goodness, it looks like a winter photo with the glove and jacket sleeve. We had some nice colder weather, but not that cold. Now we are back in the heat. As always, we can't wait for the real cold and snow.

  7. I see all of the above and I think you were about to do something you should not and she was about to restrain you from doing it. OR, it is simply what we see is what we got

  8. Nobby I see that your most handsome WFT self might be needing a jumper sooner than later.
    PS this was a fun post....give Gail a treat
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. We see all of the above. Our mom wears gloves for the cold sometimes lately when she takes us for our first business run of the day too.

  10. First we see the handsome WFT being petted by his chilly Gail...then we noticed he was surrounded by some beautiful white blooms!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. What were you looking at Nobby - we noticed that you seem to be doing the 100 mile stare at something out of frame.

  12. It looks like a mysterious person is trying to steal you collar.

  13. We see all of that, Nobby. The anemones are so pretty and you have such a handsome profile. No gloves needed here yet but Mom says it won't be long before she needs not only the gloves but the handwarmers too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. A restraining hand, perhaps?

  15. We are seeing a Lady stopping a pup from having fun. Lee and Phod


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