Monday 16 September 2024

The less said the better

Well it seems I'm going to have to find something different to tell you about after my weekend down in Ayr. Gail is insisting that, regarding my performances at the Ayrshire Dog Agility Show, "the less said the better Nobby".

Apparently when one is repeatedly marked 'E', this does not mean Excellent. Who knew? 

Fortunately, I am allowed to tell you about our visit with YAM-aunty, whom we found cosily esconsed in her van parked at Belleisle Park, close to where the agility event was taking place. 

This was a lovely spot, and so much pleasanter than our Travelodge accomodation on the town's uninspiring outskirts. 

We went for an evening walk around Belleisle Park's formal gardens, and a passer-by commented on how well behaved I was, posing so nicely. 

I think I might have heard Gail muttering something about if only my behaviour had been so cooperative earlier in the day in the agility ring... 

The Robert Burns Birthplace Museum was close by too, and I so wanted to go inside with Gail and YAM-aunty. It was most annoying to learn that their 'no dogs in the museum' policy' extends to include a certain wire-haired fox terrier who shares a birthday with Scotland's great bard and occasionally writes poetry himself. 

Even my offer to recite Burns 'The Twa Dogs' (fox terrier style)  failed to move the lady behind the ticket desk... 

However, I was allowed in the museum gardens and even got to pose on the famous 'Brig o' Doon' and to climb up inside a slightly scary Burns monument.

Finally, and best of all, back at the agility show I got to meet a new fox terrier pal, Alfie of 'Alfie's Leads'.

Aren't we just the handsome pair?

PS from Gail: in the dog agility world 'E' stands, I'm afraid, for 'eliminated'...


  1. we think e stands for eggs-cellent and thats what WHFT always are... we love the silver gray house on wheels that was a super duper good decision to add silver to da family ;O)))

  2. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, it's to be admitted that it wasn't a glorious performance on your agility runs, but at least you ensured Gail kept her step count up, and I loved that we got so much hang out time together! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Nobby, having seen the video of you practising last week, I'm surprised that 'e' doesn't stand for excellent. How dare they eliminate you - what did you do to deserve that?
    However you and Gail had a lovely time with YAM-aunty, and isn't her van cosy. I don't think I would have wanted to leave!
    Paca xx

  4. E for eliminated....sigh....well, better doings the next time!!Just go and have fun, then maybe you'll do a better job!
    NIce that you could make the time there better, by visiting a good friend!

  5. You did however prove that you are agile - of both body and mind.

  6. Eliminated would be their loss because we think that you are an outstanding WFT, Nobby! Love the picture of you with the red flowers behind you.

  7. at least you were not REALLY eliminated, since we see you went on to meet with Yam Auntie... maybe E is for eventually? we know you can do it. Hope they let you try again... you are so good at posing, beau could use a few lessons

  8. E is for enterprising, and you are certainly that, Nobby. It's preferable to being predictable.
    It's nice that you made another doggy pal and that you spent some time in that cosy van.

  9. Oh dear sweet Nobby...I'm so sorry for the E's....but I say it is the show's loss not to have you there in some capacity, per chance Mr. Congeniality?! And good news is you met Alfie there so it was a win win to me.
    At least you were rewarded with a YAM hug and visit.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. We think you made great strides just getting to compete Nobby....Mama giggles every time she thinks of Sunny trying to compete.

    We always happy to see you all with Yam Aunty...and those gardens are just beautiful!!!

  11. Even if "E" stands for eliminated we hope you had fun doing it, Nobby. How nice that you got to spend some time with Yam Aunty and enjoy those gardens.

  12. Better luck next time, Nobby. And we bet you had fun with Alfie. E stands for Excellent posing in the beautiful gardens. We know you and Gail enjoyed your time with Aunty Yam.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. It was fantastic to meet you at the weekend!! Alfie only showed up on Sunday, he remembers his Agility days and is very happy they are behind him. 'First they tell you to stay, then they tell you to go and all you really want to do is find mice in the big training barn' It's always lovely to meet other foxies, Nobby is such a lovely boy!!

    1. Gail replies: It was great fun to meet you also, and Nobby is looking forward to hunting for mice in the training barn in winter!

  14. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Good job being a terrier! Also, I don't think my person realized quite how big you've grown! Also, I think E really does mean excellent. Also, hurray for a new friend!


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