Wednesday 14 August 2024

Nobby presents his brilliant business plan

It seems to me rather unfair that one minute one's owner is complaining about the high cost of dog ownership, but then no soon as a particular dog comes up with a smart scheme for earning his keep, all he gets is ridicule... 

So the other day Gail took me for a walk around the harbour area and we noticed a fine cruise ship docked in the new(ish) deep water South Harbour. It gave me an idea.

Surely, among those hundreds (maybe thousands) of cruise ship passengers, a fair number of them will be desperately missing their canine companions? Many of these lost souls would, I suggest, pay good money to spend their shore time being shown the sights of Aberdeen by a knowledgable, friendly and handsome wire-haired fox terrier.

I would allow them to pet me and give me treats. Perhaps an extra charge for lap cuddle time would be justified?

And if any of the passengers should worry that their pet back home might be feeling jealous and resentful, I would be prepared to sign a confidentiality agreement to the effect that "what goes on tour, stays on tour".

I would, however, draw the line at being photographed wearing a kilt...

Friends, please tell Gail she is wrong in using words like "far-fetched", "preposterous" and "absurd" to describe my brilliant business plan.


  1. you are a genius... buy a trailer to bring all the money home ;o))

  2. Nobby, take no notice of Gail, it's a brilliant idea. So good in fact, I may consider something similar myself. The downside is that I live midway between two ports that have lots of cruise ships, and it's about 50 km either way. So the cost of getting there and back would seriously eat into my profits, and as I can't drive I'd need to pay for a chauffeur....perhap it won't be such a good idea for me....... but go for it Nobby!
    Paca xx

  3. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, I think it a worthy concept. "Dogged Aberdeen Walk Groups" (DAWG) would be a name to consider. Gail may be missing a trick by dismissing it so abruptly. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. all I have to say is if I could float or fly, I would come straight there to be your first client.. yes, I would for sure pay for the pleasure of your company.. even a kissing booth would be great. I once paid 10 dollars to kiss a pup, and I paid 5 dollars in 1985 to hold a baby lion for 30 seconds and have my photo taken with it.. I will see if I can find that photo.. super duper idea,

  5. I happen to think this is a brilliant plan, Nobby!

  6. I think it's a wonderful idea, Nobby. It would fill a real need. People on cruise ships not only want to feel terra firma but also to connect with friendly canines. I don't think you'd even need to accompany them on walks - just talking to you and appreciating your snuffling nose would be enough for them.

  7. Nobby, we, purrsonally, would gladly pay big $$$ to be in the presence of Nobby the fastest and most agile and most handsome WFT in Aberdeen
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You are a genius, Nobby! You would be rolling in money in no time. Just think of all the extra treats you could buy on top of all the treats your clients would give you!

  9. Whoah Nobby, what a great idea!! Our Mama says she would also pay big $$$ to have you as a tour guide!
    Sunny & Rosy

  10. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! That is a brilliant plan! You could charge extra bacon for rolling on your back and letting them pet your tummy!

  11. We think it is a brilliant plan, and maybe you could even expand it to offer your services on board the cruise and "allow" Gail to accompany you on an ocean tour

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. We think this is a splendid idea! Our mom always goes through dog withdrawal when she travels and would love to have you as a say hello to her!


We love it when you woof back!