Monday 12 August 2024

Top tips on blaeberry picking

You could, I guess, be thinking that as a terrier and thus by nature more of a hunter than a gatherer, I might not be best qualified to offer my human friends advice on picking berries...

However, this is the time of year when the blaeberries* are ripe on Scottish hills and heathland, and for three years in a row now I have accompanied Gail on her annual blaeberry harvesting expedition, thus I feel I can lay claim to some expertise in this matter.

So here are my top three simple tips (and if you do not have the good fortune to live in a part of world where blaeberries thrive, then please note my tips may be broadly relevant to other forms of foraging for free food).
  • When going berry picking, your best companion is a  patient dog (perhaps a wire-haired fox terrier?)
  • It is advisable to avoid harvesting berries directly beside the path, as these are most likely to have been 'marked' by previous canine visitors
  • Humans should either wear an old pair of trousers, or look carefully where they kneel...

Hmmm, not a bad haul. Blaeberry pancakes for breakfast anyone?

*In Scotland 'blaeberry', in England  'bilberry', also 'European blueberry', and to botanists 'Vaccinium myrtillis'


  1. That's a splendid haul and all free - it couldn't be any better.

  2. we will follow that advice... and we hope the mama wears shorts or no pants, because this stains are like a tattooo on clothes and often furever....

  3. We have to buy our European blueberries from the supermarket, so they don't have the lovely flavour that the ones that Gail picked will have. Ours seem to be rather tasteless. Enjoy your pancakes.
    Paca xx

  4. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, I am very impressed with both the quantity and the quality of Gail's foraged treasure! I'm so glad you were there to help out. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Bummer that Gail stained her pants. Enjoy those berry pancakes!

  6. That is excellent advice, Nobby. We hope you got to enjoy a taste of those pancakes too.

  7. Excellent advice, Nobby and I trust you'll be enjoying a full share in whatever is made from those delicious looking berries.

  8. BOL BOL LIt is advisable to avoid harvesting berries directly beside the path, as these are most likely to have been 'marked' by previous canine visitors

    OMDs you and Gail are really good PICKERS. Yes please I'd love some blueberry pancakes. I know they are delicious
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You would never be able to take Misty blaeberry picking. She would eat more than she picked. Of course, they are a no-no on her very restricted diet, but she would love to try. Nice looking berries - our Dad would love them.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Thatn is quite the haul. Thank you for sharing your experience

  11. Those berries look YUMMY!! Bilberries are similar to our blueberries, but yet they do have different qualities, and bilberries are noted for their good effects on eyes.
    Do you taste the berries yourself, Nobby? Dalton likes mulberries and wild strawberries, but Benji disdains them BOL!

    1. Nobby here: I have tasted a few blaeberries and quite like them, but to my mind they are not as good as blackberries, which are also abundant in these parts and come a bit later in the year.

  12. we love blueberries, which is what we call them, but mine have to be bought, we have none to pick. I have picked blackberries in the wilds but that was 70 years ago.. these are good tips and if I ever find a blaeberry bush I will try to remember these

  13. Such wonderful tips for berry picking, we love blueberries. We sure wish we had fresh berries for picking here in New Mexico. It is Hatch Chile harvest season here in New Mexico, but those peppers are a bit too spicy for pancakes BOL!
    Rosy & Sunny

  14. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! For a while, when I was living in little house on the mountain, we had wild blueberries everywhere in the summer! I have a top tip! This tip is also good for the berries that grow in people's yards. My top tip is to put your mouth and tongue on every single one of them to see if they're sweet enough to pick! Plus them, if you've put your mouth on every single berry, the humans won't steal them from you!


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