Wednesday 10 July 2024

Getting into shape...

Friends, I am thrilled to announce that later this month I shall be participating in my first ever 'proper' agility competition, the Granite City Dog Agility Show, taking place in Brechin on 19-21 July.

I am even more thrilled to announce that, after all the time spent on my training, my 'handler' (i.e. Gail) has taken it upon herself to get into shape for the show too.

To this end, on Monday evening she joined one of the 'Agility Handler Fitness Sessions' currently being run by a fellow Deeside Dog Agility Club member.

Yet better news is that Gail returned from the 75 minute session in one piece. 

In fact not just in one piece but cock-a-hoop at how she surprised the other three participants with her sprinting ability. She also says she enjoyed the environment - outdoors in the evening sunshine, in a lush green field overlooking Stonehaven, with a soundtrack of cattle lowing contentedly in the adjacent meadow and a view of the North Sea in the distance. So much more agreeable than a gym.

So, Granite City Dog Agility Show, here we come! 

What could possibly go wrong...? 

PS from Gail: I am taking a summer break from my usual Monday Pilates session, where I am generally the dunce of the class. So I'll admit to a bit of an ego boost at being able to outpace one of our much younger (and rather competitively-minded) agility club members on Monday night! Oh and to respond to Nobby's question "what could possibly go wrong?" The honest answer is "quite a lot, actually".


  1. You go!! Congrats!!

    There should be classes like that for peeps like us nurse aides who have to be fit enough to do all the lifting and running from room to room...

  2. This is exciting news, Nobby. We wish you all the best of luck. As for Gail 'having to get into shape', we simply don't believe it - it's surely just a case of gilding the lily, tweaking bits here and there and so on.

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby............. as long as you and Gail remember just to have fun, everything will be fine..... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Well YAM-aunty, let me assure you I certainly intend to have fun, maintaining my 'free-spirited' approach to the activity when we compete at Brechin!
      PS Better not tell Gail this..

  4. How exciting for you both! Please have someone video the event so we can see!

  5. Mr T would have cheered you on from a comfortable spectator seat. He did go in for active sports in his healthy days but the racing about the place, hiding and jumping out games got fewer and shorter as his ailment ate him up inside. I miss those and hope that you and Gail really enjoy your time being active together - good luck for Brechin.

  6. Gail I can identify with 'dunce of the class" that was me in Yoga many years ago.
    I decided my field of expertise was EMW's. Good luck and sprint on.

    Nobby I know you and Gail will run circles around all the other 2 and 4 leggers
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Why, Nobby, I do remember "Zeus," a very large Standard Poodle, at an agility competition. The reason I know his name comes about because he entered the ring with his handler and proceeded to run madly around the ring (before his release), with his poor handler yelling "Zeus! Zeus!" It happens to the best of us! (Not saying you will take after Zeus....)

  8. Congratulations on your coming high scores in the agility training and you have the perfect trainer/leader with you because she proved it at her training class. go Gail and Nobby. waiting to see/hear how it goes.

  9. Ah yes - quite a lot can go wrong. Our friends are very big into agility - and there seems to be a lot of eliminations... their dog once got eliminated for having a pee in the arena (not a very dog friendly rule we thought!) Good luck Nobby!

    1. Gail says: Yes, at the beginners (Grade 1) level, almost all the dogs get an 'E' (elimination), most commonly due to failure in executing the weave poles correctly - although a wide range of other mishaps are also possible! I have no doubt that this will be Nobby's fate at Brechin but one has to start somewhere...

  10. Oh Nobby, how exciting! We can't wait to hear how you do in your first ever competition!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Hurray for Agility! I am glad your person took a course! Whenever I've made a mistake, it wasn't my mistake, it was my person's mistake, obviously! She was too slow, or didn't cue properly, or was confusing... I am glad your person is working so hard to be worthy of running with you in a trial! And it sounds like she's a good sprinter! Hurray! Good luck, friend! Have fun!

  12. We can't wait to hear all about your first trip into the agility ring, Nobby. Congrats to Gail for besting some of the younger handlers in her class.

  13. Good going, Gail!!! Our Mom could never do that. All the best of luck to both of you !!! And have fun.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. I can't wait to hear about your many triumphs


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