Wednesday 5 June 2024

What happened in Slovenia??

Well I'm thrilled to report that Gail and I are now happily reunited.

She asked if I had had fun with my foxie relatives, but I promised Jimbob, Bruno and the gang that "what goes on tour stays on tour" and so I am observing a strict omertĂ  regarding events at Craigmancie Farm.

Gail responded with "two can play at that game Nobby" and so I have resorted going through her baggage and sneaking a peak at her phone for clues as to what she and her friend Marse got up to in Slovenia.

Well now, what do we have here? An umbrella? I don't think Gail packed this item. It smacks of Emergency Purchase doesn't it?

Perhaps this poster she photographed provides a further clue to the typical weather in Slovenia?

It looks like the young schoolchildren of Ljubljana were well equipped for the conditions...

Also, on Gail's phone, I see lots and lots of photos of wildflower-filled meadows and crystal clear mountain streams. I think I'll save most of these for my 'Nature Friday' post, but here's a wee preview. 

Back to the bag. I search in vain for evidence of gifts for yours truly but only find a small bottle, a present for the neighbour who kept an eye on the house in our absence, I'm told.

Hmmm. Looks like the swimsuit was used at least once. Maybe in Lake Bohinj? Bit chilly, was it Gail?

This next photo is rather confusing. Surely the George Best Bar should be located in Manchester not, as Gail claims, the tourist town of Bled...?

The new walking shoes are looking a good bit more worn than when Gail left. Can it be that she and Marse went hiking in the mountains without me? The cheek of it!

I know what you're by now thinking. Surely Gail didn't stay off her bicycle for a whole two weeks? 

I do see quite a lot of photos of her and Marse sitting in cafĂ© with a bunch of enthralled locals, watching a cycle race on  the big screen TV*.

Oh, wait, here it is! The inevitable bike ride shot.

And finally. I just knew Gail would be missing me and would not be able to resist taking some doggy pictures...

Could this even be a primitive wheelie dog she saw in the museum in Ljubljana?

I really think it is! 

*Slovenian cyclist Tadej Pogacar, blowing away his rivals on the Monte Grappa stage of the Giro d'Italia. Apparently half of Slovenia had nipped across the border to watch him that day! 


  1. GOOOOOOD MORNING NOBBY AND GAIL!! You were both missed!
    I know each of you have human tales and dog tails...which may or may not be edited. BOL BOL Great photo of you Nobby with relative.
    Gail I know you and Marse had lots of fun even when it was rainy good company trumps bad weather.
    Hugs and Welcome back

    1. "Good company trumps bad weather". I wholeheartedly agree!
      Cheers, Gail.

  2. How exciting it would be to see the race in person! At least you didn't have to purchase a new rain coat!! Welcome back, you two.

  3. We're so glad to see that you and Gail have been reunited, Nobby. We've missed you, but we're sure you had a good time with your four legged family. It looks like Gail had a good time on her trip.

  4. It's good to see you both back home again - we've missed you! Seems like you've both had super holidays. What beautiful scenery in Slovenia and how nice that Gail found some dogs to pet. Though I must say that those bikes look more like shopping bikes than for serious riders like Gail and Marse!
    Nobby, seeing that photo of the dog on the paddle board - might it be something you and Gail could try out?
    Paca xx

  5. The children in their raincoats look like an army of frogs.

  6. enjoyed all the photos of all the places, people and things and DOGS. you are the best winner Nobby. I pick the green raincoats as todays blue ribbon winner. love it.. so glad you both had a good time, even though it was separate...

  7. The sights are just beautiful and it looks like Gail had a great time even though it was damp and chilly. I'm so happy that the two of you are back home together, Nobby!

  8. Welcome home Gail and Nobby!! It sounds like you both had great fun!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I am so glad to have you back 'on air'... missed ya, darlin'! Gail too... though those pictures hint at wonderful times, weather notwithstanding! At least it didn't spoil her for coming back to our slightly wintry summer... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  10. We hope it wasn't all rain and no sun. We do hope you will share some of your fun too. We really missed both of you and are glad you are home.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. It looks like your mom had a great time but she needs some quality you time.

  12. Wow, that was too much rain!!
    But thanks for a preview of the goings on...and we are glad you're all back together again.

  13. Nobby - so much to comment on but most of all pleased to see that you and Gail are reunited and both in good health. What are the chances we will ever see you and Gail sharing a paddleboard? In a Scottish lake perhaps???

  14. We are sure that you both are so happy to be reunited, but we already love all the photos of Gail's big adventure! Looks like it was wonderful and full of adventures!


We love it when you woof back!