Monday 20 May 2024

Holiday time!

So it's time to say goodbye to this year's glorious rhododendron blooms in Duthie Park.

I'm excited to tell you that, later today, I'm off to my holiday home. I'll be staying with my lovely relatives, the Craigmancie Foxies, while Gail heads to Slovenia, where she'll meet her American friend Marse and they'll spend a couple of weeks exploring that country together. 

The rhoddie flowers will likely have wilted by the time I'm back in the park. Rest assured friends, this WFT is not for wilting!

But while I am rampaging around the fields and farmyard with my extended fox terrier family, my blog will be 'on paws'.

Normal service will resume in early June.


  1. Enjoy your family staycation, whilst your Gail is off and sightseeing!

  2. Oh Nobby, we'll miss you! I know you'll have a fabulous time with your relatives and we hope that Gail and Marse have a splendid time in Slovenia. Looking forward to some nice photos from their trip.
    Meanwhile we are getting ready to batten down the hatches and escape the crowds!
    Paca xx

  3. Have a wonderful holiday, Nobby, and we hope that Gail does as well. We look forward to hearing all about it when you both return!

  4. I hope you and Gail enjoy your separate holidays and the sun shines for you both.

  5. Hari Om
    Happy holidays to you and Gail, Nobby, and I hope you both have wonderful tales to share when you get back to us! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Nobby OMDs I know you will enjoy romping about in your birth home with all of your relatives.
    Gail I send you and Marse lots of wonderful travel wishes.several of our graduate students in Physics were from Slovenia...they shared many photos and stories about their home
    Hugs cecilia

  7. Enjoy our hols Nobby - you couldn't get Gail to send just one measly postcard could you?

  8. Hope you have a wonderful time with your extended family, Nobby. Best wishes to Gail for an exciting trip. Look forward to hearing details from you both in June.

  9. What a great picture of you with those rhododendron blooms, Nobby. We hope you and Gail enjoy your times with family and friends.

  10. Clever writing, as usual, Nobby! And I look forward to the telling of adventures, yours and Gail's. Happy travels!

  11. Enjoy your Holiday Nobby! We can't wait to hear about your(and Gail's) advenutres when you get back!
    Rosy & Sunny

  12. Happy travels to Gail - Mom says Slovenia is beautiful. We hope you have a fabulous time at your holiday home too, Nobby. We need to find one of those for us too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Happy times to both of you! It will be good to see you back.

  14. We will miss you Nobby but we are sure you both will have a wonderful time on your vacations! Enjoy yourselves!

    Rosie and Redford

  15. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! We hope you're having a good holiday!

  16. Looking forward to hearing what you and Gail did during your separate summer holidays! Hope you are both having a wonderful time.

  17. Oooooo Nobby I say ditto to Riley's comment
    Hugs Cecilia


We love it when you woof back!