Friday 7 June 2024

Nature Friday bonanza: wildflowers and waterfalls

So I'm handing over to Gail today, as ever since she returned from Slovenia earlier this week, she's been going on and on (and on) about all the beautiful wildflowers and pristine mountain streams.

Gail here: I'll let the photos do most of the talking for this Nature Friday post. Wildflower ID was aided in some cases by the wonderful PlantNet app. 
Round-leaved saxifrage

Meadow sage

Spreading bellflower

Dark rampion

Nettle-leaved speedwell

Bird's nest orchid

Lesser butterfly orchid

Scabious (unsure which species)

Bastard balm

Ragged robin

Balm-leaved archangel

Eastern bathaani

Wild thyme

And finally, some pictures of the most beautifully clean and sparkling waters you'll see anywhere in Europe.

Wishing Rosy and Sunny and all our other friends a happy Nature Friday!


  1. Like wow. Europe (and I count UK in that) is so colourful in the wild. NZ is green. Green is good but just green with a rare splash of red rata or white clematis is boring by comparison with the wildflowers you captured in Slovenia. Beautiful place.

  2. Hari Om
    Outstanding!!! 👍 YAM xx

  3. What a bonanza indeed! What a beautiful country - perhaps next time Gail will take you, too, Nobby? I'm sure you would enjoy the scenery just as much as we do!
    Paca xx

  4. Wow! So many beautiful wildflowers and the Rampion is sure unusual looking and the waterfalls are just gorgeous!

  5. How lovely. The water looks wonderful and the wild flowers are a gift.

  6. Beautiful waterfalls. Mom never saw many waterfalls the ten years she lived in Europe, or when she has traveled there. Pretty flowers too, kind of the same color scheme that Bailie has posted today. Happy weekend!

  7. Amen to Yam's OUTSTANDING! the flowers are amazing.. and that water fall is stunning as are all the photos of the stream... I found out today there are volcanos and lava in USA New Mexico and now how gorgeous it is in Slovenia... wow

  8. Those are all such beautiful flowers. We love that first one with the tiny purple dots on the petals. The water falls were beautiful too!

  9. What a lovely field of yellow flowers at the beginning.
    Some of the flower names gave us the giggles this morning. So pretty with names that did n't match. The water falls are breathtaking...I can almost taste the beautiful crystal waters.
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Wow...just WOW!!! So much beauty!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. Wow! Gorgeous nature photos ~ favorite is the waterfalls ~ and miss Nobby ~ hugs to you sweet one ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Beautiful photos! I love the familiar names of the various plants—evocative of their features.

  13. What splendid photos, Gail. Beautiful water with the deep blue and green colors and so clear.

  14. Those flowers are stunning. It looks like a wonderful place to bike and rest. Nobby, thank you for letting Gail share these with us. Lee and Phod

  15. So beautiful!! Thanks for capturing it all for us to enjoy, too, Gail!!


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