Wednesday 19 June 2024

Watching the Euro 2024 football tournament

So I was happily stationed at my favourite back of the sofa vantage point when Gail rudely told me I was blocking her view of the football on telly, and would I please get out of the way. 

I refrained from pointing out that if she ever thought to acquire a TV with a screen bigger than a postage stamp, it really wouldn't be a problem.

Instead, I turned around to watch the France versus Austria action for a minute or two but, you know what, football (soccer to my readers in the USA) really isn't my thing. 

Soon I retreated onto the other sofa, and stayed there for the remainder of the match, deploying my full range of 'Nobby at Rest' poses.

PS To preserve the peace in this household, I am refraining from any discussion of games in this tournament involving my team (Scotland) or Gail's team (England)...


  1. we agree... we dont watch football with our dad, we watch dci barnaby or victoria with our mom...and she also had ice cream, so the decision was not difficult...

  2. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I'm with you mate... but I guess gazillions of others around the world have to have their fix. Yours is roaming the hills and woods and mine is running the roads of this Bonny Land... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We're with you Nobby and your "at rest" poses are the best thing to adopt at times like this. Our TV secreen is about the same size as yours, so not ideal for watching any sports - not that we're fans anyway! Give us a good Murder Mystery, or a nice nature programme with that nice Mr Attenborough and we're quite happy.
    Paca xx
    P.S. I forgot the bit about chasing cats but I don't think they'd show that on TV!

    1. Nobby says: I think we can all agree on the nice Mr Attenborough.

  4. We're with you, Nobby. Football is not something we ever watch in this house. I must say, your 'at rest' poses are very attractive and make us want to lie down somewhere comfortable.

  5. Nobby, there is something about a sleeping dog that just draws my attention like a magnet. I much prefer watching you in all your poses, over any type of game/sport there is. I do like ice skating and crazy people who dive off high boards, but that is about it in sports. I want a larger TV, out is 65 inches but we could not carry it out of the store, get it in the house or out of the box. we had to go with what we could handle by ourselves.

  6. Our TV screen is a small one too, Nobby, and mom doesn't watch too many sports but we will be watching the Olympic games! I love your resting positions!

  7. I was horrified :) to realize that the monitor I bought for work (I need a split screen) was the same size as our TV, when we lived in NH, less than 20 years ago.....And 28 inches larger than the TV we had on the boat (and thought was quite adequate!)

  8. BOL BOL Nobby when I was a child the adults would say 'your daddy is not a glass maker, move". It took me a few years to make sense of that but when I did it was funny.
    PS I love your undercarriage pose
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. European football isn't our thing...but I have to say, Mama gets miffed with me if I am on my couch perch and she is trying to watch American football BOL.
    Rosy the selection of "Nobby at rest" poses!

  10. You're very cute in all your sleeping poses, Nobby. We are enjoying watching the Euro 2024 tournament with our dad...but he hates seeing any flopping on the pitch.

  11. I am like Pocket. If my Dad gets excited watching sports I will go to him, and pas for him to give me scratches because that calms him down, but sometimes II think I add to the stress. Go FIgure.

  12. Sometimes us furry ones make better doors than windows!!
    We loved all your napping poses, Nobby!

  13. With you Nobby. F gets a little bored watching sport on TV and wanders off to find something else to do. It's the reason Mr T only ever sat on Mr B if he had a choice. Mr B watches anything (through his eyelids) - then asks how it ended. Nice sleeping poses - it is good to be able to spread out a bit.


We love it when you woof back!