Friday 21 June 2024

A good decision

Every once in a while, I have to give my owner credit for making the right decision.

Wednesday was a case in point.

Initially the plan was to go for a hike up and around Scolty, a favourite hill which long time readers might remember from past posts. Our regular route is about four miles, give or take. 

But gosh it was such a lovely bright, fresh and sunny day that Gail decided to put in an extra loop, northwards down to the river, almost doubling the length of the walk. 

Excellent decision! 

On the way up the hill I posed nicely for a 'fox terrier with foxgloves' shot. 

Then as we approached the summit monument I waited patiently for Gail to catch up. 

I'll admit my patience wore thin at the top. Gail was spending far too long gawping at the fine panorama of Aberdeenshire hills, and so I went in search of new friends, human or canine.

On the way down the hill I yet again had to pause for Gail. 

By the time we'd reached the river, after covering nearly seven miles in the sweltering heat of a Scottish midsummer*, I was more than ready for a refreshing dip in the Dee. 

*Gail says: Nobby exaggerates (not for the first time). It was in fact about 17ºC, with a fresh breeze.

Once again I'm delighted to join  this blog hop, hosted by the LLB Gang. I hope all my Nature Friday friends have been out and about enjoying some splendid weather too! 


  1. who lives in that tower? a princess? ..we love your country, there is so much to discover... happy nature furryday..

  2. That was a lovely walk and how fabulous to finish off with a dip in the river! Nobby, sometimes our humans forget that we have fur coats which we have to wear all the time - not just on a cold day! We keep in the shade or indoors when the outdoor thermometer reaches 30ºC or above and go out early morning and, as we have no street lights or pavements, in the evening we go out before it gets dark. It's so annoying that we have no lovely walks like yours nearby, and although we have a nice view from our terrace, it's not the far-reaching views you have.
    Paca xx

  3. You lucky thin you - what a perfect day, long walk, sunshine, new friends, dip in the river and home again with your favorite human. (Oh and foxgloves - they are the 'cherry on the top' of any day.)

  4. You and Gail sure did have a long walk and a beautiful one at that. The flowers are all so pretty and your dip in the water was sure welcome, Nobby!

  5. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, that was magnificent, no doubt about it. We must grab every bright and dry day here in the Bonny Land and wring it of all it can give, isn't it so?! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. What a nice walk with a super ending in the water. We rarely go in the water, but if we are hot, it is a good way to cool down. Happy Friday!

  7. I doubt I could make that walk and I know beau could not, but I would if I could... its gorgeous... the humidity is so bad this morning it took us 5 minutes longer to walk what we usualy do in 20 minutes. we were barely moving because the breathing was so hard. we are in heatwave here,,

  8. NOBBY YOU AND GAIL for sure are avid TREKKERS. I could never in 87 years walk that far...well maybe if there was no humidity and the temps were about 70 and there was a nice breeze I could walk 2 miles... The creek must have been quite refreshing
    happy weekend

  9. Nobby, you must remember that you have four legs to carry you along and Gail has only two, so please be patient.

  10. What a lovely hike you and Gail took, Nobby. We'll take your 17 deg. C to our 32+ deg C we had for high temps this week any day.

  11. Definitely a wonderful decision! What a wonderful hike, with such beautiful scenery!!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  12. Such a beautiful surroundings for your 'strolls'!
    I wish we were at 17C...its was about 37C here, today...with heat indexes of near 40C. UGH!

  13. That looks like a stunning walk you went on. Good for Gail for making the right choice (people do this so rarely, we should celebrate!). We hope your team does well. Lee and Phod

  14. Oh Nobby ~ so glad to see you having fun ~ especially cooling off in the water ~ Wow! Great photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. We love your dip in the stream, looks super refreshing after your long walk!


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