Monday 24 June 2024

A polite thank you note to friends

Torridon, 23rd July 2024

Dear Tess and Richard,

Just a quick note to thank you both for accompanying Gail and me on such a stunning hike around Beinn na h-Eaglaise earlier today.

Didn't the weather turn out lovely?

And I even enjoyed the 'off-piste' section of the walk that Gail said might be rather rough and boggy. But Tess, it didn't take me long to work out that you are the best person to follow across uneven terrain.  

I hope everyone appreciated me leading the way when it came to the dangerous stream crossings. 

You might have noticed that I strayed out of earshot when the conversation turned to the forthcoming UK General Election. Who could possibly want to hear more about Labour's so-called 'Ming vase strategy'? And anyway, I get it that you'll all be happy to see the back of the current government. 

But here in the NW Highlands, we're (thankfully) a long, long way from Westminster...

Oh, and finally, I want you to know that Gail checked me thoroughly for ticks when we got home and didn't find any. Phew!

So Tess and Richard, I do hope you have as much fun in the rest of your week in Torridon as we had today. 



  1. wow you crossed that niagara falls all alone with your terrier paws... you are an expert!!!

  2. Goodness, Nobby, that was a real trek! How lucky they were to have you to lead the way across the raging torrent - if you hadn't been with them they might still be looking for a way across!
    By the way, we have already been out on our morning walk - just after 8 p.m. (7 p.m. your time) and the outdoor thermometer read 26ºC before the sun was out. It's going to be a hot one.
    Paca xx

    1. Gosh Paca, what a good job you went out early. The thermometer topped out at 20ºC here in Torridon yesterday, and that was quite warm enough for me (and Gail).

  3. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, it looks as though Scotland turned on the tanning machine! To be fair, the same happened this side too. Doesn't it thrill to walk in such glorious wilds when it does? Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. What a very nice letter, Nobby. It looked a perfect day and it was so good that you didn't give house room to any ticks.

  5. You always have the bestest adventures, Nobby!

  6. you are so very brave to cross that creek and all those stones. you are the best ever hiker.. what a great time you all had and I do wish I was with you and out of earshot of Beaus Dad and his ranting and raving about USA politics.. ugh we are so sick of politics

  7. WooHoo Nobby trekking friends are the best. BOL BOL you took note of Tess's abilities to climb which are very similar to yours.
    I sent Kit a note asking her to find out what hotel in the Highlands had to duck parade. I wil let you know
    Hugs Cecilia
    OH PS at 6 am this morning (which is 5am suntime) it was already 81 and the humidity was about 70%. I don't know when I'll take another EMW...

  8. Good news about the ticks - did you also check Gail's socks for her? What a magnificent hike you all had.

  9. What a beautiful place for a hike with such great company. Thanks for sharing all the woderful views with us.

  10. Such a thoughtful thank you note Nobby...and what a wonderful and scenic hike!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. What a great day you had, Nobby!!! Everything is always better when it is shared with good friends.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. What a great hike with your friends! Just stunning!


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