Wednesday 21 February 2024

Short back and long legs

No-one's ever mistaken me for a Dachshund.


  1. you are the bestest whft, no doubt

  2. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, that's a relief... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Gail says: After recently overhearing a woman in the street confidently asserting to her friend that Nobby was not a Schnauzer he was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, I feel it's only a matter of time...

  3. Having a good s t r e t c h - very good for the muscles.

  4. Do dachshunds even come in wire haired varieties? I have to fess up that the attempt to create a drawing of you Nobby did have the look of a Schnauzer about it - sorry. I added a little colour to try and emphasize the WFT-ness of the model.

    1. Gail says: You do get wire haired dachshunds. In fact one called Maisie won Best in Show at Crufts in 2020!

  5. Stretching those legs out to sleep feels so good.

  6. It makes me crazy to hear people declaring things that i know are not true. Even is she did not know your breed, you are most definitely not a dachshund. Adorable comes to mind, handsome, awesome, friendly, bouncing... could be used instead of breed. we get questions of what breed Beau is and who knows is the true answer to the question. at least dear Nobby you and Gail know your breed, not that it matters. we love you

  7. Well if they did I would think they might need an eye exam.
    Once many years ago when Marlu and I took Toto the mighty mini Dachshund in for his annual check up. The vet kept referring to Toto as HER. When we left the vet's office, Marlu commented: 'We need to go to a vet who knows the difference between a boy and a girl.'
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You sure look comfy all stretched out for your nap, Nobby.

  9. Nope, not ever! Sunny totally gets the long legs and short body thing :-)

  10. BOL!!! A CKCS??? OMD!!
    At least we know you are not a Daschund, though we think Dalton might have some of that in his gene heritage, who knows!

  11. I should hope not, Nobby, you are much too big, handsome and fluffy to be mistaken for a Dachshund!
    Paca xx

  12. Soooooooo sweet! And that looks like an especially good nap!


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