Tuesday 9 January 2024

The much anticipated debrief on DB

So Gail, let me remind you of our deal. I permitted you to give me a thorough bath and shampoo upon my return home and now, while I cuddle up all clean and fluffy on your lap, you are to tell me about how badly your friend Marse's dog DB behaved during your stay in Tacoma. Right?

Oh Nobby, but surely you first want to hear about what a splendid time I had with Marse, her kind and generous extended family, her lovely, entertaining friends and all three of the dogs, not just DB. And the comfy 'beach house' by Minter Bay, the delicious food (including some 'interesting' experiments with a new air-fryer), the beautiful - if admittedly rather damp - walks through the moss and fern-rich forests, the glimpses of majestic Mount Rainier, and the short but invigorating kayaking sessions?

Er, frankly Gail, no. I just want to hear about how DB is naughtier than me.  

Nobby, this is very mean spirited of you. Especially as DB cannot answer back (unless he trains his human to help him comment on this blog by logging into her Google account). I absolutely insist on first telling you about the two twelve year old pups also present, Josh and Charlie. 

Well OK then (sigh...)

Josh is a fine hiker despite his age and altogether a Good Boy who will only occasionally wander off and not return when summoned. Look, he even carries his own water and food in a little backpack (as does the much younger DB). 

And then there's dear Charlie, Marse's niece Zealon's beloved golden retriever. He is a big soft sweetheart who is suffering from tumour in the mouth and other health problems but still enjoys being petted and cuddled and never ever complains.

Enough already! Time to hear about DB. I gather he is a noisy passenger in the car? 

This, Nobby, is undeniable. DB is quieter after he has been for a good long walk, but at other times a muzzle is required to reduce the decibel level to a tolerable whimper.

Oh dear. I expect you are now grateful that I am always completely silent and calm when travelling. 

You have a point Nobby. 

And how are DB's manners when out on the trail? 

Well Nobby, like you, he's a good, strong and willing hiker. His encounters with runners and cyclists can be rather fraught - one might say his conduct is erratic, a word I often use to describe your  performance at your agility training sessions...

Gail, we are supposed to be focussing here on DB's bad behaviour here, and not my rare moments of mischief.

Let me see, what else then? He has the ability to rip to shreds any stuffed toy within ten seconds flat, but to my knowledge has never, unlike a certain wire-haired fox terrier, chewed up a pair of spectacles, a bank card, a parking permit or a pink highlighter pen.

Going off message again Gail! 

DB is, I think, rather large to be a lap dog but he doesn't know that. He is perhaps a little too affectionate with the kisses on the mouth, but that's hardly a crime, is it Nobby?

I guess not. Actually he sounds quite a decent chap. As does Josh. Oh how I would love to meet them both one day. I think we could even teach each other a trick or two. 

Now how much is that plane fare to Seattle again? 


  1. Your wash and brush-up has restored you to your former glory, Nobby. Gail has enjoyed telling you about her holiday - it sounds splendid. I think you know that you and DB would get on well together and might even teach each other a trick or two.

  2. You do look a handsome chap now that you're all clean and fluffy.
    What a great time Gail had with her friends - it's good to see the photos of her having such a fabulous holiday. Carol says that DB behaves very much like me...so I'm pleased that the reports on his behaviour aren't too bad - but I'm not noisy in the car, so that's a plus for me! I haven't needed a muzzle although it might give Carol ideas, as my barking is rather loud - especially when I see a cat!
    Paca xx

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, that was an impressive summary of her trip that Gail managed to wedge in ahead of your insistence on dog news! How wonderful that she also had the company of some canines, so as to ease the separation anxiety... I must say that DB has a slight look of the Indian Native Dog about him, very handsome. If a little wayward. Anyway, back to you and you do look furbyoulush after your spa!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. DB sounds a lot like Beau except Beau doesn't bark, and Josh looks a lot like Beau and seems to have the same personality. Sorry you did not hear the bad things you wanted to hear, but I am thinking you had a wonderful time at the place you stayed while Gail was hiking in those giant trees. you are small enough you could be a stowaway in Gails carry on luggage, except its a long flight and I don't think you could stay still that long... enjoyed all the photos, waiting for more.

  5. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Shouting with glee at the most wonderful post, all the smiling faces, lovely table settings and in GENERAL a most wonderful time during Christmas with Marse and her family and friends and all the pups. DB appears to maybe not like fast motion by him Dui in Oz is the same way. The muzzle is a good idea. OMDs Mount Rainier...is picture perfect. We had a PhD student in Physics who told me he could see Mount Rainier out his parent's kitchen window. Now he is a professor of Physics at a University in Ireland.
    Hugs PS Nobby I hope Gail didn't need to call a plumber to unclog her sink after your bath

  6. It looks like Gail had a wonderful time and her photos are just beautiful! And you, Nobby, look so clean and fluffy and kissable.

  7. You sure look spiffy all cleaned up, Nobby. It sounds like all the pups Gail spent time with on her vacation were nice, but we know she couldn't wait to get home to you.

  8. What a great summary!
    Even if DB was a little better behaved in some ways...it sounds like you are definitely the better behaved ;-)
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. Nobby we think you look so happy to have Gail all to yourself again and you do look angelic with your freshly fluffed coat. Gail's holiday looks wonderful but wintery. Beach house??? That's a mansion to most folk in UK!

  10. I think our parents need to spend time with other dogs to realize how special we are

  11. One of our AUntie's pups has ruined her glasses too, so you are in good company, Nobby! Current pup has shredded her quilt, dug up all the newly planted bulbs and so on...one of the three she's had, ate an ink pen too. BOL! That makes US look good we think... Angel MJF was good at shredding dollar bills, even larger notes...but not thankfully 4000$ like the one that did that not so long ago in PA.

    You look a lot whiter than in the previous post! BOL! Nice pics of your Gail's trip to Tacoma!

  12. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! If you came to Tacoma, you would be very close to ME! But I don't recommend plane rides. They are scary and loud. Isn't there any other way to visit your friends? Maybe you could walk there?

  13. Mom has never been to Washington state, but she hears it is quite lovely.. It sounds like Gail had a great trip and got to spend some fun time with some nice pups. We think DB is just a sweet boy with boundless energy. Just like you:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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