Friday 12 January 2024

A suggestion for friends in the Pacific Northwest

I was shocked, yes SHOCKED, to learn that on one day, when Gail was staying in Tacoma with her friend Marse, the two dogs DB and Josh did not get a walk, JUST BECAUSE IT WAS RAINING A BIT!

Now I have checked up on the weather statistics for that particular date - it was Tuesday 2nd January - and found out, yes it did indeed rain all day in the Pacific Northwest region. However, I am also aware that we are not here talking about Florida-style thunderstorms, Oklahoma tornadoes, Gulf Coast hurricanes, monsoons in Mumbai or Shetland Island gales. Rather we are dealing with heavy drizzle and light winds.

What do we do in Scotland on such a day? 

Do we stay indoors all day? 

We do not. 


Gail has this pretty, flowery one (we hope the flowers, together with the weather theme, will help qualify this post for Nature Friday).

It is larger and more robust than one of those telescopic affairs that ladies can fit in their handbags, but not as heavy as the typical golfing umbrella. There is a handy handle which can be hooked over the arm when the human needs to use both hands, for example when holding a lead while picking up dog poop.

With such an umbrella, your human can take you out for a rainy walk and her coat will stay mostly dry and her shoes will not end up saturated. She will not even have to flatten her hair by wearing a hat.

I highly recommend such an item to Gail's friends in the rainy part of Washington State.  

Your dogs will thank you for it! 


We're delighted once again to join the LLB Gang's always wonderful Nature Friday blog hop.


  1. It is a very pretty umbrella, but no good if the wind blows hard. It always makes me smile when I see people in the woods with umbrellas - it just looks bizarre to me, though there's no reason that it should.

  2. What a pretty umbrella Gail has! Don't tell anyone but I am scared of umbrellas, Nobby, but there are times that mom doesn't care and she uses it anyway and I back away from her in fear as she opens it but once we're outside and get moving, I realize that I'm not getting wet. They are most wonderful inventions, aren't they!

  3. Nobby, despite your words you don't look entirely enamored of the weather in that last photo (or was it the delay for the photo shoot that was testing your patience?) Nice brolly - someone should design one that fits onto a k9 harness and you could have your own protection from excessive atmospheric moisture.

  4. We walk 365 days a year, twice a day, rain or shine. Umbrellas don't work for us as there is wind and Mom needs her hands free to handle us. She has a good rain coat with a nice hood on it and she has rain pants and boots to keep her dry. She learned all that the years she lived in Germany where it rained ALOT. We dogs have our own towels too so she can dry us off in the garage before we come in the house. Happy Friday!

  5. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, good advice... whether taken is another matter. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. We have an "inherited" umbrella, but it always covers the pooch, and I get quite wet!

  7. Very attractive umbrella, designer look is what it has. I think the mention of all the types of rains/storms also counts for nature Friday. In movies when we see Seattle they are wearing raincoats and umbrellas. could it be the movie makers are lying to us??? Beau says if his mama had an umbrella she would forget to take it, forget it in the car, leave it in the store. she does have one of the folded tiny things that shoot out and it rides in the pocket of the back seat but has never used it. its easier to dash in through the drizzles. he also said if she lived where it rains as much as Seattle she would have one but she would never live there so that is a moot point.

  8. Nobby 1000% agree with you...your friends DB and Josh are missing out on so much sniffin' . I guess they can't miss a walk in the rain since they are not privvy to the event. As for the hefty 'brella. when Bryan and I are out and about together in the rain we have a giant 'brella too. With our height difference it is impawtant. THIS is definitely a well written Nature Friday. My Mind's Eye saw it all
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Nobby, living in the Pacific Northwest (on the California coast just south of the Oregon border), I can assure you we get much more than just heavy drizzle and light winds. However, your good advice about umbrellas raises an interesting point. When I lived in San Francisco, umbrellas were all about. But a friend recently asked me why we never see them locally and I was at a loss for an answer. I realized that even I no longer own an umbrella. We all just seem to pull up our coat hoods and soldier on. Though Gail's observation seems to be that there isn't much soldiering going on. This is a puzzler.

  10. And yes, that's a beautiful umbrella that I wish I owned and would surely use.

  11. What a nice umbrella!! As former PacNorthwest residents, Mama also has a ton of umbrellas!
    Sunny & Rosy

  12. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Just to be clear, I live in the PNW (the Canada part of it), and we Walk EVERY DAY, even in Big Rain. Sometimes, only sometimes, my person takes the umbrella thing. Mostly she just wears rain pants rain jacket good boots good hat. Also I don't mind the rain at all. Rain is no reason not to Walk, even in this part of the world!

  13. That is such a pretty umbrella and very good advice for anyone living in a rainy area, Nobby.

  14. Thanks for sharing some of Gail's adventures with us. Second, while Lady finds carrying and umbrella and walking the 2 of us, she has an appropriate rain suit if needed. On a light day, she is likely just wearing her rain coat. She has a lined one for colder days. We don't like when it is pouring rain, but a little drizzle brings out some great smells. You have a lovely umbrella. Lee and Phod

  15. That is a wonderful umbrella and we wish our mom would use one sometimes, but between the two of us and having to pick up after us, an umbrella just gets in the way. We walk in ANY weather, rain or not!

    Rosie and Redford


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