Monday 2 October 2023

The truth about those Thursday mornings...

Did you already know that, every Thursday morning for about as long as I've lived with Gail, she's abandoned me for several hours on the pretext of getting some exercise with her friends? 

After a too brief walk in the park with me, she wheels her bicycle to the front door then off she pedals, claiming it's all in the cause of leg muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness.

I wait patiently for her return. 

Sometimes I check her phone after she's arrived back. (No I'm not snooping. It's because I care.)

This week, I noticed on her cycling WhatsApp group, there was just one photo of the 'ride'.

I was not amused.


  1. Oh Nobby that picture of you in the window with the tree reflection fanned out over you - looks so forlorn. You will just have to learn to balance on a bike and get Gail to put you in a trailer or tag along.

  2. Gail has to build up strength for the return journey, Nobby - you can't deny her that.

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby... it seems that absence does make the heart grow fonder (or more jelly green...) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh poor Nobby, but they've had to cycle to the café and then home again. If that's Gail at the far end on the left, she doesn't even look guilty!
    You'll just have to find something to do with your pals!
    Paca xx

    1. It is Gail at the back and Paca, you're right, she doesn't even look guilty. None of them do.
      Hope it's not too hot for you in Spain right now.

  5. She's pawtying without you, Nobby?!

  6. you look so very sad! how can she leave you and do that every single week. They all look really happy, while at home you pine for Gail... it makes a really nice portrait of you though, you are so very handsome in that window

  7. Nobby this very chatty Southern Gal is almost 'speechless'!
    Bless your itty bitty WFT heart. I hope Gail came home with a 'doggie' bag.
    Sharing is 100% caring.
    Hugs and (giggles) Cecilia

  8. It doesn't look like there is much cycling going on there at the cafe. You do a good job of making Gail feel guilty with your longing looks out the window as she leaves, Nobby.

  9. Sheesh...that doesn't look like leg exercise to us!
    We sure hope you wrote her up for this, Nobby
    ;- )
    Sunny & Rosy

  10. Oh, Oh!! Are you going to do revenge of some kind or other, Nobby??

  11. With you waiting you are a motivation to hurry home.

  12. Yeah, sometimes our humans like to sneak away from home without bringing us doggies along. But they always come back eventually.

  13. If it is only one morning, you can give her that! And you pay her back by being so well rested that you can go for an extra long walk with her, right?


We love it when you woof back!