Friday 8 September 2023

Nature Friday Quiz!

Greetings one and all from sunny Eyemouth, just north of the England/Scotland border, where Gail and I have been enjoying a few days out and about walking in the (mostly) sunny weather with our dear friend Janet. 

Today, I have a special treat for you, a quiz for the LLB Gang's Nature Friday blog hop. It's based on my experiences this week. I hope you will forgive a little latitude in what constitutes a nature-relevant quiz topic. Just eight questions to exercise your brains. Best of luck!

Let's start with some easy ones.

1. Which swimming stroke might I be using if I go out of my depth in this stream near Whiteadder reservoir?

2. Why would I need to be careful and alert to the presence of adders? 

3. Is there a good reason why Gail is holding my lead firmly just here?

A little harder now. 

4. What might I have spotted in the grass while Gail was distracted taking pictures of the cliff scenery just south of Eyemouth? 

5. Which flavour of ice cream did Gail choose from Giacompazzi's Ice Cream Parlour by the harbour in Eyemouth.

6. What species is this two dimensional creature that Gail didn't allow me to pick up and carry home...?

Now, to test your powers of observation...

7. How many gulls can you spot in the picture below? (You can biggify this image if you want.)

And a final puzzler...

8. How do you tell which one is the black sheep of the family?

P.S. Gail wants you to know that she has succumbed to the annual September 'back to school' urge and has signed up for an 8 week online course titled 'An introduction to non-fiction nature writing', run by the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education's Centre for Creative Writing. It started this week. I wonder if she will learn any stuff that might filter through to my blog...


  1. we guess strawberry.... right? and is that a nutria? it would make a good topping said da nelly... he is weird...

  2. The water in the stream is so clear. Something dreadful happened to that . . . rat? I'm looking forward to reading some of your creative writing, Nobby, as I'm sure Gail will keep you informed of her progress.

  3. Hari OM
    Well Nobby - what fun
    1; doggy paddle of course
    2; you REALLY don't want to step on and adder, laddy, trust me
    3; if you had to ask the question the answer provides itself
    4; something smelly for sure
    5; hmmm... could be the Vanilla Tablet I suspect
    6; I strongly suspect Ratus Ratus
    7; ten
    8; there's always one which stands apart...

    Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Well Nobby, what great fun!
    After lots of discussion and a bit of cheating, we more or less agree with YAM-aunty, except we think there are 12 gulls, and we weren't sure that it was a rat -but bow to Yam-auntie's superior knowledge in such matters.
    Paca xx

  5. A most excellent nature quiz Nobby. The humans here spent time considering all the 'nature-al' flavours in the icecream (We couldn't see rat flavour or albatross, but noted that you do get wafers with it.) All in all it looks like you have had a very close encounter with nature this week.

  6. 6 a dead rat, ha ha ha on the poor black sheep of the family, he/she has been ostracized or shunned. about the Adders, you do NOT want to go there.. I see 6 gulls, the rest I just enjoyed looking but have no answers... you have great writing skills, this class should be perfect for you

  7. We suspect you're doing the dog paddle, Nobby. Aren't adders deadly snakes? Gail's ice cream looks so refreshing and yummy. We guess butter crunch flavored ice cream. We count 10 gulls and that squished rat would be rolling material in my book! Happy Friday!

  8. LOL, we got a good kick out of your blog/questions this morning. What are adders, we have never heard of such a thing. The ice cream looks fabulous, hope you got a treat as well. Happy Friday!

  9. 1. doggy paddle
    2. stranger danger
    3. Gail forgot to pack you no cliff sky diving
    4. Rodent
    5. Raspberry ripple
    6. see #4
    7. I spy 8 gulls down by the sea
    8. the rat disguised himself as Black Sheep be patient he will emerge... they all look outstanding out standing in the field

    Gail this is a great time of year to take a class..since the weather will soon be damp and chilly

    Hugs Cecilia

  10. 1. Doggy paddle
    2. So they don't bite you or your mom.
    3. To make sure you don't fall off that cliff!
    4. We bet you found someone's poop to snack on like a deer or rabbit. Yum!
    5. Vanilla Tablet (our mom would have picked the Malteser)
    6. That 2D animal could be a squirrel or rabbit.
    7. 22 (including all the ones sitting on the rooftops in the back but not including the birds flying overhead)
    8. The black sheep of the family is the one on the right because she's standing a bit further away from the others. BOL!

    We had fun taking your quiz. It looks like you are having a fun time on your vacation.

  11. Nobby I am just always glad to you sweet one out and about ~ and what fun you all are having ~ sorry no time for a quiz thought ~ glad you had a good time ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Wow Nobby, what a wonderful time you must be having with Janet...and such a great quiz...Here are our answers
    1-Doggy Paddle or maybe you're were planning on doing some snorkeling?
    2-Because Adders taste yucky...and have a potent bite
    3-Probably because yu aren't certified for cliff diving....yet
    4-Rosy says perhaps a Vole. Sunny is hoping you bagged a bunny!
    5-Mama says Vanilla Tablet...We are hoping you got to have a lick
    6-We also think it is a rat, but an interesting European variety
    7-We see 13 and think, if you tried hard, you could make them all disappear!
    8-We think this may be a "black sheep of the family" convention!

    Happy Nature Friday!
    Rosy and Sunny

  13. The Doggy paddle
    Where Adders go, Mr. Bean follows
    You love to cliff dive
    A quarter?
    Strawberry waffle
    You are made to clean up after Christmas dinner

  14. Dog paddle
    Adders do ouchie to the max
    Don't do any hang gliding off the cliffs, Nobby
    Deer or other critter's dung/droppings...aka rabbit candies:)
    Vanilla or biscotti? Salted caramel?? Mmmm! Can we have some too...did *you* get a lick, Nobby?
    A rat?? UGH!
    At least 18, maybe more like 87...if you can count the ones giving you need of an umbrella.
    He stands alone...the cheese stands alone...BOL!
    Hey that was fun!!

  15. I'll have to put on my thinking cap for this! 1. doggie paddle 2. How do you keep adders in a field??? 3. cliff 4. little furry creature, hopefully not an adder 5. I'll have the butter salted caramel, please 6. Wow that's a big flat rat! 7. I lost count on those sea gulls. (We have thousands of them around here, especially on top of the buildings at the shopping centers 8. black sheep? Cool! I made a quiz on The Daily Bone many years ago when we had angels Chester and Joey. I'll have to see if I can find it.

  16. Well it looks like you are having a wonderful time. 1. Doggy paddle (teehee) 2. we think your nose should work to keep you safe 3. no good reason other than safety 4. said adder. 5. vanilla 6. the dead species which always smells the best 7. our quick count said at least 10 but we really just want to chase them 8. we go with the one to the right away from the group. what a fun quiz. We hope Gail enjoys her course! Lee and Phod


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