Monday 11 September 2023

A walk in 'Auld Reekie' and some quiz answers

So Gail and I said goodbye to the quiet fishing town of Eyemouth on Friday morning and took a final quick peek at fog-bound Coldingham Bay before heading north.  No swimming for Gail this time, but several other middle aged ladies were cavorting in the waves with great apparent enjoyment.

Next stop was Edinburgh to meet up with friends Françoise and John for a gentle stroll up Blackfold Hill.  Gosh, doesn't Auld Reekie look dry at the moment?

And I was hot and thirsty. 

We were home in Aberdeen by evening and, wow, I must say Gail and I were most impressed by the response to our Nature Friday quiz! We had great fun reading all your answers. 

Everyone did brilliantly, of course, but that was to be expected as we know our readers are super smart and knowledgable. 

So gold stars to all who entered the quiz. Below, a few comments on the answers.

#1 Yes it was of course doggy paddle.
#2 Most of you already knew that the adder is a venomous snake. Extra fun fact - it's only poisonous one we have in the UK.
#3 We're pleased to note that all our readers are aware of the dangers of straying too near the edge of steep cliffs.
#4 Several good guesses here, but Gail thinks Rosy of the LLB Gang was most likely correct in suggesting I'd detected the presence of a vole
#5 You all seemed to struggle with this question. Perhaps the lack of Nature Friday relevance put you off! The correct answer is 'Biscoff'. Well done Dalton and Benji for coming close with Biscotti.
#6 Yes it was a rat. Full marks to YAM-aunty for scientific rigour in giving the species name Rattus rattus. 
#7 Perhaps no surprise that our friends Millie and Walter and their super-observant bird-watcher Mom did best with this question, spotting the gulls on the rooftops as well as the more obvious ones in the foreground, 
#8 Several creative answers here. We like Cecilia's suggestion that the rat disguised himself as a Black Sheep, and Rosy's idea that what we are seeing in this picture is a Black Sheep convention. And yes Ruby, it will indeed always be the Black Sheep of the family who is made to clear up after Christmas dinner...


  1. a vole? how great... we are still puzzled about this word ... in france it is a thief or a flight... LOL

  2. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I am glad you and Gail had mainly find weather for your jaunt to the southern regions of the Bonny Land - it does look spiffing.

    Your quiz was fun - more please! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I don't think we have voles here Nobby, but you'd certainly found something exciting and forbidden!
    You certainly had a super time away. I'm hoping that we'll soon be getting out and about a bit more now that many of the tourists have gone and it will be cooler.
    Paca xx

  4. You had a good time away, Nobby, but it's always nice to get home again.

  5. now i know my senior moments are worse, I totally missed the fact it was a quiz and did not answer all of them or even think of it as a quiz. right over my head it went

  6. Hi Nobby and Gail...
    It sure does look very dry there. Here over Angel Madi's Manor we have been quite dry for about a months. WooHoo as per normal though when it rains it pours over the Manor we had 2" all day on Saturday.
    What a fun Nature Friday Quiz!!! Your fans really worked extra hard at this.
    Hugs cecilia

  7. You sure look happy being out on your trip with Gail and her friends. We didn't do too bad on your quiz but are chuffed to have been mentioned among the correct answers.

  8. You do look pretty hot, Nobby, and should have been cavorting in the waves too. The quiz was a fun one!

  9. You and your mom sure visit a lot of wonderful places, Nobby. We always enjoy seeing your beautiful pictures.

  10. Ahhh, to be able to go all over and enjoy your countryside and other things the land has to offer!! Maybe when I too anytime soon, LOL! When I lived in Nova Scotia for about 18 months, I often went sightseeing on my days off. Plenty of picturesque places there.
    We love when you show us your venues, Nobby!

  11. We did not do well on this quiz, we hope you have another soon! Lee who is waiting to go see her doctor and Phod who is going to be mad he didn't get to go

  12. We cheated on the quiz and just waited until you gave us all the answers! How fun! You do have the best adventures! We are very jealous!

    Rosie and Redford


We love it when you woof back!