Friday, 25 August 2023

Thursday is Abandon Your Dog Day?

Today we're again doing a combined post for YAM-aunty's 'FFF (Final Friday Feature)' and for our friends the LLB Gang's 'Nature Friday' blog hop. 

A Story of Dog versus Bicycle

This is a tale about what happens most Thursday mornings in a certain household in Aberdeen, Scotland. The particular details relate to this week, but the basic pattern of events could be pretty much any Thursday in any year...

The dog wakes up when his human comes downstairs shortly after 6 a.m. He notes she is wearing clothes which are brighter and more close fitting than her usual garments, and this, together with the fact that the next thing she does is check her bicycle tyre pressures, tells him he will shortly be abandoned for several hours while his human goes off to meet her friends for their regular Thursday bike ride.

But wait. All is not lost, perhaps? He can hear rain on the roof of the conservatory, above the noise of his human chomping through her big bowl of muesli and Nick Robinson on Radio 4 talking about the fate of Yevgeny Prigozhin. 

It is still raining quite hard when she takes him for his morning walk around the park, and for a few hopeful minutes he can dream that the wet weather will prompt her to stay indoors, with him, after all.

Fat chance of that. As her friend Anne is fond of saying: "Why did they invent Gore-Tex?" At 8:45 am sharp she pats him on the head and, despite deploying a plaintive look in his eyes together with his adorable - so he's told - head tilt, she wheels her 'wet weather bicycle' (the one with the mudguards) out into the road, and there he is, left all alone. Abandoned once again.

It is six hours later when she returns, all rosy cheeked and happy, knees creaking a bit. She tells him five of them were out today, Anne, Sonia, Sheila, Margaret and herself, they rode out to Monymusk for coffee and delicious scones and plenty of lively chat. The sun came out, the wind blew them home and all in all they'd had a fine time.

But there's more disappointment for the dog, who has to wait a while longer for his afternoon outing. His human claims that having cycled over fifty miles she needs not only a shower but also more food - the yummy cheese scone was insufficient fuel. 

After what feels to him like for ever, she finally puts on his lead and they go out. By now his expectations are low and he is unsurprised to find out this is to be a boring urban walk, less than two miles, and even on the path by the River Dee he is not allowed to roam free, apparently in case he decides to chase any of the baby bunnies hopping about on the river bank. As if there would be anything wrong in that. 

Towards the end of the walk he is made to pose in front of one of the prettier front gardens just a short distance from his house. His human takes a close up of one of her favourite dahlias, saying if he includes this in his post it will definitely qualify for the Nature Friday blog hop.


  1. Oh my goodness Nobby, did Gail really leave you on your own for six hours? That's terrible!
    I have only been left alone for an hour or so but only get one walk a day while it's still so very hot - even in the early morning. There's already a warning out for very high temperatures today, and it was sweltering by the time we returned home.
    Gail enjoys her bike rides with her friends and you do get some lovely long walks to compensate, so it's not all bad!
    Paca xx

  2. we agree for the bike tour, that maybe is not really doggy relted.. but da scones da scoooooones? that is our thing to be with the scones and the fab things around... maybe even clotted cream?

  3. In this life one has to compromise, Nobby, and it's good that Gail can trust you enough to leave you alone. That's the sign of a really good dog.

  4. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby... pawhaps it wouldn't be so bad if Gail were to sneak home some of the 'yummy cheese scone' for you to nibble? I mean, really, that's the biggest tease, is it not?! I wonder if Gail is working on the 'absence makes the pup's heart grow fonder' principle? Just to ensure you don't take her for granted... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What a disappointing day for you, Nobby, but a great one for Gail and we're happy that the rain turned to sunshine for her and her friends!

  6. That last flower is beautiful! How terrible for you to have such a boring day. We have a weekend like that coming up where we won't get to do much of anything while Mom helps run a nose work trial. It is so not fair. Hope your weekend is full of fun!

  7. I am so glad to see the sun came out and the ride was so much fun, my bones are aching just thinking about a 50 mile bike ride. the good news is Nobby, this will keep Gail, hale and hardy and healthy to keep on doing all the hiking the two of you do. Count the 6 hours as job security, since her job is taking care of you. your flower is gorgeous and love YOU tied to a fence, which is something rarely if ever seen. have fun today, you have 5 more days before next Thursday...

  8. NObby OMDs if I rode or even walked just 5 miles, I would need to call an Uber with a bike rack to take me home. I cannot even imagine 50!!!!!! I personally think you should be very happy Gail returned fit and ready to take you on a walk.
    GAIL I am so impressed with you and your 4 cycling friends. AMAZING and a lovely photos for Nature and FF Friday
    Hugs cecilia

  9. What a sad tale you tell of being abandoned for a bike ride. It does look like Gail enjoyed her time with her friends, but it's too bad she couldn't bring you along for the ride somehow, Nobby.

  10. Good for your mum for being so active! Sorry a few of her activities cannot include you, Nobby.

    Once in a while, we doggies, Rosie and Baby Spaniel, get left alone in the house for a couple hours when our humans go out for dinner. We think it would be so much fun to go along to a restaurant with so many people around to pet and cuddle us and share some yummy food, like kung pao chicken at the Thai place.

  11. What a lovely dahlia, and even nicer shot of you, Nobby, in front of the house garden.

    We sure hope Gail makes up for abandoning you on Thursday with a nice long hike this weekend!
    Rosy & Sunny

  12. Nobby, Tiggers Mum is very envious of Gail's oportunities to go cycling during the week. And of the sunshine evident in your neighbourhood.

  13. There can't possibly be a day dedicated to abandoning one's dog!!!! Let's all get together and BAN that day. At least you did get a bit of a walk, even if you weren't allowed to run free. Every bunny deserves a good chase:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. I am sure your mom will make up for this lapse of judgment. Practice your sad eyes to make sure you get the proper attention.

  15. My goodness, that was the most disappointing day EVER for you Nobby. But the other 6 days of the week we are very sure that YOU are the priority, so cut your Gail a little slack!

    Rosie and Redford

  16. Nobby I am so glad to 'see you!' ~ Humans can be a drag sometimes ~ good you got a 'semi' walk in for the day ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. That is very suspicious behaviour. It is one thing to be left for 6 hours when the people have to make money for the kibble or MRIs or other dog related thing, it is another to ride a bike and eat croissants. Perhaps you need to engage in a peaceful protest. Lee and Phod


We love it when you woof back!