Monday 12 June 2023

Keeping Scotland tidy

I expect I am not the only pup to live in a part of the world where signs exhorting humans to 'please pick up after your dog' are common. Fines are often threatened for those who fail to comply.

Walking around litter-strewn streets in certain parts of Aberdeen, it occurs to me that humans are not that great at picking up after themselves. As I am a public-spirited sort of a chap, I feel it's my mission to set them a good example.

Sometimes, if I drop my precious cargo close to a waste bin, Gail even gives me a treat. 

Have you done anything to clean up your environment recently?


  1. F does litter-picking. It's really embarrassing because she puts it in the bottom of my donkey (like somehow it's now mine). 'Good on you Nobby' says F. I say you better be careful you don't catch some horrible human disease; you don't know where that stuff has been. Xxx Mr T

  2. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I am impressed with your environmental concern and action! I do despair that so many humans really have become so slatternly... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. we hear you... humans should carry waste bags too for the things they drop ...

  4. Nobby, that is very public spirited of you. Carol sometimes picks up stray paper and sometimes those polystyrene trays that might have some food left in them - before I can get to it!
    In the short time I've been around where there are lots of humans, I've noticed how untidy they are, some of them drop their litter by a bin and can't be bothered to open the lid to drop it in. That's really annoying.
    Amber xx

    1. Hi Amber,
      I should have stated clearly that when I drop my piece of litter by a bin, Gail picks it up and puts it in.
      PS We hope you're settling in nicely with Carol.

  5. You are great at cleaning up after the peeps that thoughtless litter everywhere, Nobby!

  6. every public space in our city has signs warning of litter fines, does that stop them from tossing out the window of cars, things like you are carrying? no it doesn't. our beaches are so littered, they have volunteer days to clean up the beautiful beaches. there are trash bins every where, they just don't want to walk to them and deposit. seems thoughtless humans are a world wide scourge.

  7. Well done, Nobby - you could teach some humans a thing or two!

  8. NOBBY you get the #1 award for K9 Citizenship you certainly are leading by example. I hate x 87 litterbugs. Never fails on recycling day we find bits and pieces of paper etc that fly out of neighbors recycle bin. I pick it up
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. That's the good spirit, Nobby! You set a worthy example for all of us.

  10. You are doing a great job helping to pick up the litter in your city, Nobby. It's a shame the humans are so careless, but we're glad to hear you are rewarded for your efforts.

  11. What a good doggie citizen you are, Nobby! Rosie and Baby are very good at picking up and trying to eat all kinds of stuff in the back yard. Things like sticks, grass clippings, pine cones, and chunks of rotten wood from the compost. It kind of makes me wonder if there is a goat somewhere in their family history.

  12. Oooooh, treasures! I used to live as a Street Dog, did you know that? I too love to find treasures that the humans leave behind! I too get treats for picking them up, especially if I bring my treasures to my person rather than running off to swallow them whole! I want to come walk on your streets, look at all those treasures you found!!

  13. What a great help you are being to your local environment, Nobby! I, Rosy, like to point out the discarded waste to Daddy while we walk...and he picks it up.
    This leaves me free to chase down any bunny or kitty in the area...
    Rosy and Sunny

  14. Thank you for keeping the country clean. My dad is a direct descendent to a former king of Scotland. If he is ever called upon to rule he will give you a citation.

  15. My goodness Nobby, are you a working breed in disguise? Because you are doing an excellent job of cleaning up!


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