Wednesday 12 October 2022

Helping with the energy crisis

You would think, wouldn't you, that with energy in the UK currently priced at 87 squillion £ per megawatt-hour courtesy of evil Mr Putin, my ongoing efforts to help reduce our heating costs might be appreciated.

Sadly not. Each time I gather up some firewood when out on a walk, and go to the trouble of dragging it along the street and all the way back to our front door, it is firmly removed from my mouth before I am allowed to enter the house.

With Gail disdaining my well-meant efforts to stock our house with fuel for the winter, I just hope that there will be funds left over for my treat supply once our gas and electricity bills have been paid...

By the way, I remain available for warming winter cuddles, at least for as long as it pleases me.


  1. You can bring wood to our fireplace Nobby. I like a good warming fire. Paw smacks Mr T

  2. sticks can help a lot... and we help too that way.... good idea...

  3. You are a good boy Nobby, to help Gail cope with the fuel crisis - every little helps. Unless, like us, you have a "living flame" gas fire, which is very stylish but doesn't give out much heat at all. It's more about design than practicality!

    Inca xx

    1. In our sitting room we have a pleasing looking but highly energy inefficient 'coal effect' gas fire which is never lit. Gail says that these days it would be more cost effective to heat the house by burning £50 notes.

  4. we saw the news about your energy problems on CNN this past week. that man never stops with finding ways to put misery on other countries. I must say, you look Really Cute carrying your stick.. that is a plus and if Gail saves them up, you will have them as a back up in case your cuddles don't keep the two of you warm enough.. who knows what our weather gone wild will do next

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, if I knocked through the wall to the old fireplace, you could bring your stash here! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Nobby humans can be such nitpickers!! I think you should receive praise for efforts to drag GIANT trees right to the front door. Personal wood delivery here is quite $$$$.
    Gail OMT(ooth) wow nearly 2 months to wait for a dental appt. It has been hard for me to only chew on one side for a week. I can't imagine that long. I hope the sensitivity will remain on the low end of the ouch scale.
    Hugs cecilia

  7. You are so thoughtful to try to help your mom with the heating bill this winter, Nobby. We hope Gail is saving them in a pile by the front door for when she needs them but at least she has you to help her keep warm, too.

  8. We think that's very sweet of you to pitch in and help out, Nobby.

  9. We can't believe Gail doesn't appreciate all your hard work Nobby!!

    1. PeeEss from Mama...Sunny's surgery this time in regards to pain ranks almost worse than the first one. Luckily, in addition to a "pain patch" she is also on an increased dose of Gabapentin. Needless to say she is quietly sleeping the day away.

  10. Ah, Nobby, you won't like to hear it, but you are, as yet, still a young pup, with a lot to learn. Thankfully, Gail is an experienced, thoughtful, and kind teacher.....

  11. She'll have no recourse but to thank you when later the funds are gone and you'll be left with only the wood for fuel.

  12. Awww, having you on a lap would be the warmest and sweetest thing ever Nobby!


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