Monday 10 October 2022

A plate of stovies...?

I ran into my friend Eddie the Springer Spaniel in the park yesterday morning. He's quite a good sport usually, although not as springy as he used to be, but on this occasion his nose was distinctly out of joint. 

"What's the matter, old pal?" I asked. 

"Oh Nobby, something terrible has happened. A brand new kitten arrived in our house last week and has taken up residence on my human's lap. I'm told she is a Bengal cat, but between you and me, she looks just like a plate of stovies*. She's called Mabel."

Gosh I feel for poor Eddie, I really do. How much better it would have been to find a plate of real stovies on one's human's lap! 

I have 'borrowed' from internet to show you pictures of a Bengal cat and a plate of stovies. Can you tell which is which?

*Stovies - a Scottish 'delicacy', based on potatoes and left over meat and often served with oatcakes and beetroot.


  1. we can see the idea behind the comparing ... hahahahahaha

  2. Hari Om
    Well, Nobby - your post made me all nostalgic. My late father was a lover of stovies and cats. He only ate one of those items. He also was the cook of the one he ate. The other made him all mushy like mashed potato - he would melt in any cat's paws... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Poor Eddie - what a sad thing to happen to him. I can see the cat's resemblance, but I'd prefer the plate of stovies any day. There's enough going on in my garden here with the feral cats that have taken up residence! A "house" cat would be a step too far!
    My human has recently asked me if I'd like another dog to keep me company, especially now that she has to leave me at home, when she's nearly always taken me everywhere with her. I must confess to not doing too well - because I can no longer manage to climb steps or get into the car. I've refused her kind offer, but I think she hopes that canine company would help me with my walking and balance difficulties. The vet even came to see me at home last week, said I was OK and gave me some more tablets, but we're not sure if they are working. It's no fun being old!

    Inca xx

    1. Oh dear, poor Inca, Gail and I are very sorry to learn that you are not doing so well. Gail tells me she agonised for a long time about whether to introduce a new dog into the house while Bouncing Bertie was still alive, but in the end decided against it, and on reflection she says she would have really struggled coping with an old dog with incontinence 'issues' and an over-exuberant puppy at the same time. (Although I would contest the notion that I was ever 'over' exuberant...)

    2. Thank you Nobby. My human says that she would only choose an old rescue dog to keep me company. She says she's not exactly young herself and couldn't cope with a puppy!
      Inca xx

  4. Poor Eddie. Mabel's fur is beautiful and the stovies look delicious and I can see the comparison. I sure hope they become fast friends.

  5. I hope Mabel grows up to be less ferocious than the stovies....

  6. Nobby please tell Eddie he has my 100% sympathies on the arrival of Mabel.
    Bengals are very very active and springy and jumpy and fast as greased lightning. He might want to keep his eyes on that Cat Lady. They are most beautiful though.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. We can understand why Eddie was a little out of sorts. It's too bad he has to put up with a new cat in the house. We think a plate of stovies would definitely be preferred over a cat any day!

  8. Well dear Nobby they surely do resemble each other a lot! I have never seen a Bengal cat and I can see why they named it that because it does look a lot like a tiger or a leopard. Beautiful would love to see one

  9. Lady is in love with Mabel, but we join Eddie is his upset on having a C-A-T take over his house. We have made it clear to Lady that no C-A-T would survive our house. She keeps treating to get a Maine Coon. Lee and Phod who are extra thankful to know you today and now extra thankful we don't have a new C-A-T.

  10. Poor, poor Eddie...we are with you, finding a plate of stovies in Daddy's lap would be much better than finding a kitty!!

  11. Yikes, a cat?! We would not like that much either, but we do know that petcretary has thought about it, esp when she sees kittens...she calls it kitten fever.
    (Having said that we were scared, sort of, of Pipo...BOL!)

    Mabel is gorgeous, and the stovies look like a good winter's meal.

    There were a lot of children from the UK, here in Canada during the WWll, it was for their safety and comfort. I often wonder how many might have stayed on. Glad your Mom had fond memories of Toronto...that is where Petcretary was born!

  12. That sure is a sweet kitty. Your should have Eddie call 1-800 Cat Busters

  13. My human has previous (less than satisfactory experience) of Bengal cats, so even I the Tigger sympathize with Eddie and agree stovies would be preferable. Paw smacks Mr T

  14. We have to admit that this is a beautiful kitty, but the food looks delish!!!!


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