Monday 29 August 2022

The report from my Doggy AirBnB home

 "Challenging" is good, right? 

The word was being used quite a lot when Gail was getting a debrief on my behaviour from the nice couple I stayed with for four nights last week. 

Of course I did not get a chance to point out that it was challenging for me too, not to be allowed to jump up on their tables and counters, and on their wee pup Hugo, all the time. 

"Are all terriers this bouncy?" they also asked when Gail came to pick me up on Friday morning...

I had been wondering if this place might become my permanent holiday home, but for some reason Gail seemed hesitant to ask if I could stay there again...

PS from Gail: Nobby's hosts were awfully nice about it all, and I had tried to be honest with them about certain aspects of Nobby's behaviour before I headed off for my cycling break, but I suspect it'll be boarding kennels for the wee fellow (who incidentally, in terms of bounciness, rates as Bouncing Bertie on steroids...) next time I go away. 

PPS On the plus side, They did say he was friendly, never ever aggressive (just "over-enthusiatic"), ate well, settled quietly at night, and had no 'accidents' in the house.


  1. you are a terrier... the more the merrier in any way :O)))

  2. I am sure over-enthusiastic is a complement when used to refer to a young terrier.

  3. Over-enthusiastic is definitely a compliment, especially when you were also good about toileting, and behaved well at night. Sounds pretty good to my B-b-b-Bouncing-Nobby!!

  4. Oh Nobby, of course you are over-enthusiastic - you are still a pup! I'm very impressed that you were really such a very good boy in a strange place. Your plusses far outweigh your bouncy enthusiasm.
    My human says that if we lived nearer, you would always be welcome to stay with us. She says a bit of bounciness and over-enthusiasm is just what we two old ladies need!

    Inca xx

    1. Oh gosh how I would love to come to Spain (near Valencia, if I'm not mistaken?) and bounce all over you two lovely ladies. Toodle-oo! Nobby.

    2. That would be lovely Nobby, we'd love to see you. You'll just need your pet passport, suntan lotion and swimming costume!
      Yes, we live about half-way between Valencia and Alicante, and the beach is about 10 minutes downhill on Gail's bicycle - but three times as long coming back!

      Love Inca xx

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, judging by the state of affairs in these photographs, you are more Rebounding Nobby... or, given the levels of energy you appear to have, Never-ending Nobby!!! Either way, it seems the report was fair to the situation - we all of us need open and honest appraisal from time to time! Now go snuggle with Gail as she is feeling a tad off colour... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. I can come and babysit you Nobby!

  7. You're a Terrier puppy! Nuff said.

  8. my friend Jackie has a puppie, that is every bit as bouncy as you, in fact so bouncy we could not let her bring her to visit Beau even though we wanted to, because Beau is not suppose to run and he would chase her. if he was allowed he would love for you to bounce with him. Maybe someone else will volunteer to keep you. you were very good boy to not potty in the house. I laughed when I read this post because My Word of the day came this morning and when it opened my first thought was of YOU... the word is jaunty! and you are that.

  9. Nobby bless your will bouncy WFT heart. OMDs bouncier than Bertie that is was a compliment in my opinion. BOL BOL
    I expect if there had not been wee Hugo to bounce on things would have been A OK. Looks as if you and Millie got along. Maybe when you are more mature you will lose a few ounces of bounce.
    Gail the good news is Nobby did not chew anything valuable or break anything.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. It sounds like you had a fun time while Gail was away, Nobby. We're sure you will have a good time wherever Gail finds for you to stay on her next adventure without you.

  11. Nobby is a puppy still so lots of energy is a given, right? Looks like it was a nice place to spend a few days and surely you will find another place that will be good too!

  12. We have to agree with the masses...We think your good qualities outway the bad also! We always have problems taking our pack anywhere to board. Rosy would go gladly...but Sunny and Jakey have their share of issues. We find having someone come stay at the house is out best solution...Maybe Gail could find you a Nanny??

  13. The humans needs to be challenged or else they get bored and slow and dull. You are doing a very important job, young friend!

  14. Keep up the good work of being bouncy, Nobby! You're barely more that a pup, and it would be bad if you were too quiet, at least we terriers and Angel MJF think that way.

    Petcretary says if you kept good housekeeping rules regarding chewing and potty you have excelled!

  15. If they will take you back then go again with Nobby. I am sure they ahve seen worse.


We love it when you woof back!