Wednesday 31 August 2022

Vertical take off capacity

At least one of us in this household has a spring in their step. 

Please bear with us while Gail is recovering* from having picked up the dreaded Virus when down in the Scottish Borders last week. 

And if perchance you are thinking: "Well that serves her right for so heartlessly abandoning you Nobby in favour of her own bizarre desire to spend time with friends cycling up hills on wet roads...." I couldn't possibly comment!

*Gail would like to reassure readers she's now feeling better by the hour.


  1. we send all our good wishes to your gail and we hope the virus will run away from her soon...

  2. Oh no - poor Gail, but glad to hear that she's recovering.
    Perchance might be thinking the same Bertie!

    Inca xx

  3. Get well soon, Gail! We are glad you are improving already.

    Nobby, you sure can jump!

  4. We are sending Gail get well messages. Nobby you need to learn to do Dr Nobby and sit on or near Gail to ensure she is still breathing until she gets better. Yours, Dr Tigger

  5. Hari Om
    Well, Nobby, there you are REBOUNDING... like a clockwork toy. Maybe you need to tlet that spring loose some of its potential energy for just a day or two more to allow Gail proper recuperation? Good boy. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. You are quite the high jumper, Nobby! We send Gail lots and lots of AireZen and healing vibes.

  7. we can see it has not effected your vertical take off abilities at all, being left alone and a mama who is ill. so glad to hear Mama is feeling better

  8. Nobby the spring in your step is sure to help Gail 100% get her giddy up going.
    Sending health vibes to Gail vertically, horizontally, and sideways
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I am very glad you are feeling better by the hour!

  10. You sure are a bouncy boy, Nobby. We're glad to hear Gail is feeling better and are keeping our paws crossed that her recovery continues.

  11. Mama has a smile a foot long on her face...Jakey also used to be able to do the vertical leap...,how nice to see you leaping so high for your toy, Nobby

    Sending pawsitive thoughts in hopes Gail feels completely better soon!

  12. Hi young friend, Ojo here! Good jumping! Also we are sorry to hear your person got The Virus, but are glad to hear she is feeling better and better! (And yes, it serves her right for leaving you behind! Just saying!)

  13. WOW..Nobby, You have hidden wings somewhere under your furs.

    Sending Gail lots of get well wishes.

  14. What splendid jumping, Nobby! Gail, I hope you'll soon feel completely well.

  15. Perfect timing for your video Nobby as it is the first day of "spring" in New Zealand so your jump made me smile! Sending lots of get well soon wishes to Gail.

  16. Where do you get all that energy, Nobby? :-) We hope Gail will be well and out and about soon.

  17. Wow! It looks like your legs are spring loaded! Hope your mom will be OK.


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