Friday 5 August 2022

My new accomplishment

I can't believe Gail wants me to show pictures of flowers in the park today when I have something much more exciting to report! 

OK, so here are some of the Duthie Park blooms, to satisfy at least the requirements of the LLB Gang's Nature Friday blog hop.

Good. Now on to more interesting matters.

It all started a few weeks ago, when I noticed my grown up friends in the park, the big boy dogs, looking at me askance as I squatted to empty my bladder. I then saw that they were lifting their leg, usually against a tree or wall, and spraying a satisfyingly large area with their pee, thereby leaving a clear message for other pups to detect.

I started feeling an urge to copy the big dogs. I'll be honest, my first few attempts were somewhat tentative. Keeping one's balance while achieving a satisfactory height is a skill that takes some practice. At first I could only lift my paw an inch or two from the ground and hold the position for a few seconds, hardly long enough to empty one's bladder properly. 

But this week I am proud to announce that I am now a fully fledged and ambidextrous leg cocker. And I am sure you too will be impressed with these photos of my new accomplishment...

Pee ess: Gail tells me that my predecessor Bouncing Bertie did not reach this notable masculinity milestone until he was eight months old. Not that I'm boasting or anything...


  1. ohhhhh what a milestone!! congrats dear nobby... we are very proud!!! that's pee-rfect!

  2. Well done, Nobby! Is there anything else you have to master to become a fully-fledged grown up WFT?
    I'm glad I'm a girl, so I don't have to worry about such things!

    Inca xx

  3. Very impressive leg cocks, Nobby! The flowers and gardens are just beautiful.

  4. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby - what to say but congratulations!!! And thanks for the pretty blooms to decorate the page before the TMI bit! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Nelson is six months old and still peeing like we girls do. Mom doesn't want him to lift his leg. We will see if he figures it out or stays like us girls. We are happy for you because you are happy with your new found talent. The flowers are beautiful, by the way.

  6. Ambidextrous! That, in itself, is quite an accomplishment, young lad.

  7. that is quite the accomplisment at so young an age. PLUS you look so cute doing it. I am used to seeing only Big Dogs do this, and I think the smaller dogs we see on our walk must all be girls since they all squat.. those flowers all very Rosy Worth

  8. Well the posies are divine and so many colors
    BUT OMDs Nobby well done on your big boy pp'ing. You are quite observant to watch and learn so quickly. Toto the mini mighty dachshund was vertically challenged and elongated. It took him a little over a year to become coordinated enough to take aim about 3"...BOL BOL And frankly if he was on a 'mission' he would squat and be on his way.
    Bryan will love this post.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Those flowers are all so beautiful but congrats on your new accomplishment, Nobby. Walter also is an ambidextrous leg cocker and takes great pride in always aiming to cover up his sister's pee if he isn't decorating some plant.

  10. Hmmmm - F says to congratulate you. On the whole the park looks way more interesting to a cat like me - all that shrubbery and flower garden ought to have a few small furry animals skittering about in it. Have a good weekend practicing your new skill (but outdoors and not in Gail's garden). paw smacks Mr T

  11. First, those are some pretty flowers...thanks so much for including them...BUT

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It must feel so satisfying to be part of the Cocked Leg crowd!!
    Rosy...who has never been part of that crowd. In fact, Jakey was the only one that lifted his leg all the other boys(Arty and Bilbo) were squatters.

  12. Oh, the garden is just lovely!!!

    Now for a funny story that Mom loves to tell. Angel Phantom took a very long time to learn to lift his leg, probably because he spent the first several years of his life here with Dakota and Shamrock, both females, and Lucky whose bad back legs didn't allow for lifting. Anyway one day he finally decided to give it a try next to a big tree on his walk. Here is the kicker - he lifted the wrong leg:). BOLOLOL

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. You have graduated to the leg lifter society, Nobby! Dalton feels the need to do that here in the house betimes...oh oh. So we have to make sure that all the issues get properly cleaned to prevent further marking, and then we have to be vigilant to prevent it in other places, so he doesn't have free run of the whole house...
    Benji only piddles with his leg lifting tall and proud when he is outside.

    Once Dalton was piddling where a dog had marked the fence while being walked, and Benji had to join...and Dalton had a peepee shower, oops, BOL, BOL!!

  14. What an amazing accomplishment! Fun fact, Lee sometimes lifts her leg to pee, not as high as Phod, but some! Lee and Phod

  15. Oh I laughed so hard with your news! Congratulations!

  16. Ooooh, man pees! Well done, friend! The higher you can get them the better!

  17. You are all grown up now Nobby! Now you need to climb up on things even higher so all the dogs who know where you've been think you are SO TALL! It's a good trick!

    Your friend Redford


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