Wednesday 13 July 2022

Socialisation boot camp

Gail has pointed out that my recent tour  'down south' amounted to an eleven day socialisation boot camp. I clocked up a long list of notable 'firsts' - see below for a list of the top ten - and am pleased (and Gail is mightily relieved) to report that I graduated with flying colours and a self-awarded grade of 90% Nice Nobby*.

First nights in a hotel (Buccleuch Arms in Moffat and later the Dalesgate near Ilkley)

First time in England (as far south as Leicestershire)

First nights staying with Gail's friends (Janet, then YAM-Aunty)

First time in a cafe with another dog present (several cafés actually)

First train journey (seven minutes, Beeston to Nottingham)

First meetings with Gail's relatives (Gail's brother, sister-in-law, niece and cousin)

First male lap to sit on (Janet's friend Steve in Nottingham)

First visit to a pub (The Roebuck, Utley)

First time on a car ferry (Gourock to Hunter's Quay, Dunoon)

First visit to a church to check out the water-driven organ (St Mun's Church in Kilmun:

*Self-assessment is the order of the day, right? Gail says 90% smacks of grade inflation. I will admit that the Ilkley Moor bog affair was a misstep..


  1. Wow, that sure is a long list of great firsts...and you are a well rounded pup, Nobby!

    I never knew there were water driven organs...that was pretty cool, and I enjoyed the snippet of organ music as well...the dogs ran out to see who had invaded...(Nobby was barking, LOL!)

  2. Hi Gail, Even though I don't comment much these days, I still read your blog when I can. "Nobby's Nuts" in your last post made me laugh!!! It is nice to know he is working though "firsts" as I remember being told when I was 17 "if you have done it once then you can do it again". I've been wondering, with recent sport on TV and knowing Bertie's choice, if Nobby will support Scotland or England when you watch sport together? Fran

    1. Nobby says he is definitely supporting Scotland, despite being warned of likely disappointments ahead...

    2. The young one still has a lot to learn especially about sport!

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby... that's what happens when one starts out in life, and indeed throughout life. There will be many more 'firsts' to come. Even if, in fact, countless others have faced those firsts first...

    I am so glad Gail managed that snippet from our Kilmun experience and that you seemed to appreciate it as much as these two-leggers!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. You are becoming a very socialized pup and you're doing an excellent job, Nobby! I wish that I could have been on the organ tour with you.

  5. That's really impressive Nobby. In the scheme of things the Ilkley Bog incident is just a blip. You can join the well-travelled-animals club.

  6. soooo, the bog may have knocked you from 100 % to 90%. smiling here! that is an awesome list of firsts and a few 2nds and 3rds. I am impressed. that is pretty niffty job sitting on the males lap... and you do it well. count the bog as a lesson well learned and say I will never do it again.. ha ha. you are one well traveled pup and also you look like you are growing like a weed...

    1. forgot to say when I saw the title in feedly list I thought it said Socialism Bootcamp. and thought yowsa, what?

  7. Nobby you've done extremely well! For a little chap, you've approached each new adventure like a seasoned traveller. Your approach, and success, would put many an older dog to shame.
    It won't be long before Gail will have to drop the "Naughty Nobby" from your header!
    Inca xx

  8. You sure are a well-travelled pup, Nobby. We will never get the chance to ride on a train or a boat. You sure look like you enjoy meeting new people and going to new places.

  9. Nobby I guess 7 minutes on the train was not long enough to channel you inner Bertie and dash down the platform. Another day another trip.
    I give you round of standing ovations for each and every accomplishment.
    Especially sitting in a room with an unknown WFT with no idea of his dnas
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Great work, Nobby. Socialization of all sorts is a good training tool for pups.

    Hope you get to have many more "firsts".

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Nobby, it looks like you did GREAT, and you have to do good because that Gail wants to take you on all sorts of adventures!

  12. You are way ahead of me, but I have only been here five days.

  13. Oh my goodness, you have been Busy Nobby!


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