Wednesday 1 June 2022

Summer? Really?

According to the weather experts here in the UK, today, 1st June, marks the start of 'meteorological summer'.

I am still a puppy, 4 months old plus a few days, and Gail says I am "just skin and bone" at the moment*. When at home, I always seek out the warmest spot available. So I am looking forward to some lovely summer weather in the months to come, although Gail has pointed out that since we live in Northern Scotland, I might  might need to "manage my expectations"...

And it's true, it was only 10ºC and raining when Gail took me for a walk along the river Dee at Banchory on Monday afternoon. The walk was fun (all walks are fun, right?) but I was feeling a bit shivery by the end. 

I gather that Gail knitted several sweaters for my predecessor 'Bouncing Bertie'. Between you and me, I am hoping that in time for next winter she knits me one of my very own, tailor made for my slender frame, rather than trying to fob me off with ill-fitting hand-me-downs...

*Gail says: Nobby has proved an erratic eater, and our experience at puppy class made it clear he is not primarily 'food motivated'.  So he's a skinny little chap at the moment, although I'm pleased to say that in the past couple of weeks he's been much better about consuming and keeping down his meals and is now gaining weight more rapidly. 


  1. Well today is the start of the winter in the southern
    hemisphere and as I am sitting here on my computer at 7:14 in the evening it is 14C according to my computer and 16C according to my phone. Warn enough not to have a fire going.

  2. Nobby tell Gail the word is 'lean' (lean and mean). I think 'mean' is meant to mean 'wily and or fast' in this context. You don't seem to be mean in any other sense of that word. Strange word isn't it?

  3. Nobby, you have some growing to do, if you want to fit into your predecessors lovely sweaters. Once you grow into them, you might find them useful for pottering and walks on muddy paths, to save the new ones Gail has knitted specially.
    We have recently returned from our morning walk and it was 23ºC before we set off, but my human forgot to check on our return. Yesterday afternoon my human told me it was 47ºC in full sunshine, but it's an old thermometer and my human thinks it might not be accurate! 23º this morning is still too hot when you're wearing a fur coat all the time, so I'm going to lie on the cool tiles on the living room floor.

    Inca xx

  4. You're still young, Nobby. You will fill out just fine in time.

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, maybe you have whatever gene it is that keeps Gail on the slender side compared to this ol' gal who was simply built to resemble a rugby ball!!! No doubt, though, that if you are needing to settle your eating a bit there will be a chance of you filling those lovely jumpers a little better. Inca is wise in suggesting you use the ex-Berties for the rufty-tufty stuff and keep any Nobby-designer wear for town and visiting. Then again, Gail is a wonderfurs knitter, so why should you not have a wardrobe entirely your own?!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. the inherited jumpers are a big large now, maybe some day they will fit. Lets hope Gail can knit one quickly because you might grow out of it before it is finished. that is pretty chilly for a sweet small guy like you. Beau has the opposite problem, he is gaining weight due to lack of excercise and we are in a heat wave and now he doesn't want to go outside because of heat. Hope your appetite picks up and you discover food,

  7. We bet this time next year, Gail will have a tailor made collection of jumpers for you Nobby!

  8. You should consider it an honor to wear your esteemed predecessor's sweaters, Nobby. We're sure you will fill out and fit into them by the time you are a year old.

  9. Unfortunately, my friend, you live in the North. You will come to love it. Now eat a steak.

  10. I got loads of hand-me-downs too. BOL.

  11. The coats we inherited still don't fit us..., Benji and too big and Dalton is too small,amnd a lot more 'round' we had to get all new ones...matchhing pairs!

    I think I would prefer the cooler climate to the hot muggy days we get here.

  12. Nobby 1000 apologies for missing this wonderful post yesterday!!!
    So should your dream of you very own custom fitted jumper come true, what would be your color of choice? I'm thrilled to hear you are eating with more gusto now. You must keep up your strength for the treks you and Gail will take
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Nobby - we hope you find food you love and get your own jumper. Lee and Phod

  14. Look at that potential wardrobe you might have! Just eat your dinner and soon it will be all yours!


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