Friday 17 June 2022

Gardening tips from Nobby

I guess all our humans have shortcomings. 

One of Gail's is her lack of interest in garden work. This is fine when it means that my walks are prioritised, although less so when she puts her desire to go riding her bicycle with her friends first. 

Anyway, I don't think I am betraying any secrets when I tell you that her efforts at keeping our back yard tidy tend to be sporadic and less than thorough. 

For example, earlier this week Gail did actually venture out, trowel in hand, and dug up a huge dandelion from the patch of grass/moss/clover that she (laughably) calls our "lawn". 

Did you know that dandelions have deep roots?

I really wasn't satisfied she'd removed all parts of this pesky weed and so, while she was out on her bike yesterday, I decided to do her a favour and excavate a deeper hole. Just, you understand to make sure all traces of the root system had been removed. 

I was pretty pleased with my efforts and imagined that Gail would be too.  

But when my owner returned home and saw the results of my hard work she just sighed, and said (with a certain lack of logic) that if my Human Grandad* saw what a mess I'd made of the lawn he'd be turning in his grave....

Happy Nature Friday friends! Do go and look at the other posts in the LLB Gang's always wonderful blog hop. Perhaps at least one of the participants will be showing you a properly well kept garden ...

*Gail says: Human Grandad was always particularly proud of his perfectly maintained and weed free lawn.


  1. we have the same mama with no interestin in tht garden stuff... than means we have to do that job right? ana a hole is always good... we never know what we will have to hide there , right?

  2. Is that a trait of all human Grandads? Apparently my human Grandad even grew and laid lawns for other people. You wouldn't think so if you saw the lawn at my UK home. F appears not to have learned anything off him, but she says that well kept lawns (a mono-culture) are an ecological disaster zone, so that is her excuse and she is sticking to it. You should too Nobby. There are more insects, and therefore more birds (and bats), and small furry critturs to chase if all lawns become pasture. Keep working on it. Paw smacks Mr T

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I think you ought to apply for work with a fencing firm - that's as fine a post hole as I have seen without mechanical assitance! Though the potential hazzard it may present to folk on two legs walking inattentively may have to be considered... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Excellent work, Nobby! You got rid of that dandelion for good!

  5. the good news is you created a perfectly round and beautiful hole.. the bad news is Gail doesn't like it... Zoe doesn't have access to the yard on demand like you do. no doggy door. and Dan stays out with the two of them. to make sure they STAY in the back yard. we have always had weeds in our grass as did my dad, he spent all his time keeping his garden free of weeds, since that was our main food source.

  6. It looks like you did a fantastic job there! We congratulate you on the project.

  7. Nobby, you look justly proud of the hole, and we're glad that you've had your photo taken with it for posterity! What's next on your gardening agenda?
    You might be surprised to hear that we don't have any grass anywhere in our garden - unless you count the weeds as grass, 'cos they're green!

    Inca xx

  8. Nobby OMDs, that is a purrfectly symmetrical hole. Did it take you very long to calculate depth and width? Now me thinks, when you saw Gail digging you thought that it was an acceptable behavior for a young, energetic WFT.
    Just saying....
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Oh Nobby, we are in awe of your pawfectly excavated hole...Is this the whoole to Australia you referred to in your last poem? ;-)
    Rosy, Jakey & Sunny

  10. What a perfect hole you excavated, Nobby! Gail should be happy with your gardening skills.

  11. We never really understand the peeps, Nobby. It's OK for them to dig holes but when we try to show them how it is properly done, they tell us "bad dog" - sheesh!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Oh Nobby, you were just trying to help! Humans just don't appreciate anything!

  13. Benji:
    Good thing your Gail doesn't see the holes and trenches I make here...we could start our own global company, Nobby.

  14. Holes are a sign that a well adjusted happy dog lives there

  15. Nobby, that's a fine job of digging of which you may be proud! Just don't fall into it; it looks deep.

  16. Hi young friend, Ojo here! What a fantastic hole! I don't think I have ever created one quite so round. Well done! And you know what would be even better? A whole yard full of holes!! You'd better get on it!

  17. Our Lady is also not much of a gardener. She has noted that the things you want the least dandelions and burr bushes have the deepest roots. She is about as appreciative of our efforts to help as Gail is. We here our neighbour Callie's help also being under appreciated. Lee and Phod

  18. Nobby, if you see my posting for the week, you will see that I could use your skills with my construction project! C'mon over and help me!

    Your buddy Redford


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