Friday 1 April 2022

Nobby hails his first Nature Friday

I bet some of you looked at the photo above and thought: "Naughty Nobby, he's gone and de-stuffed a bean bag, and covered the place with those pesky polystyrene beads". 

But you would be wrong on two counts. 

First of all, I maintain that I am Nice Nobby and not Naughty Nobby. And no, that is not supposed to be an April Fool joke!

Secondly, the little white balls are not polystyrene beads at all, rather they are pea-sized* hail stones (or at least petit pois) which fell from the sky and landed on our back garden earlier in the week. 

All clear now? 

And not only did we have hail, but the next morning I woke up to a different type of cold white stuff.

My first ever opportunity to make yellow snow! Yippee! 

Sadly, it - my own personally manufactured yellow snow that is - disappeared before Gail had a chance to capture it on camera for posterity.

Oh, I'm being told it is customary also to post a photo of flowers on Nature Friday. 

The truth is, we only have a couple of unremarkable daffodils in the garden at present, but I hope you like this Mother's Day bouquet, which Gail babysat for a few days as the intended recipient, our neighbour Yvonne, was away, something her daughter in Paris had not realised.... 

*Gail tells me that some of my readers, who live in places like the American Midwest, will be less than impressed with pea-sized hail. But we can promise you it is quite unusual in these parts. 

P.S. Huge thanks to Ann from Zoolatry, who kindly designed the special new blog header for me. Isn't it grrrrreat! 

This is my first time joining in with the LLB Gang's Nature Friday blog hop. Did I do OK?


  1. we love the cute header... and guess what? we had da same hail yesterday... the mama said it looks like laundry detergent, Persil mega pearls LOL

  2. They were gonna hurt! Pea sized is big enough to have me running for the cat flap. They look like snow berries. Nice flowers but you and the snow are much more interesting. small paw smacks Mr T

  3. Nobby, you are having so many new experiences since you've come to live with Gail, but you seem to be taking them all in your stride. What fun you're having!
    Not sure what I'd do if I saw hail or snow. My human tells me that it's only ever snowed once here, and that was long before I was born. It all disappeared in about an hour, but she did say that the cold wind this morning was cold enough for snow!

    Inca xx

  4. You got snow, Nobby! Isn't it just the most fun ever! The Mother's Day bouquet is just beautiful and your blog header is just the cutest ever.

  5. You are very cute and we love to see that you like the snow. Your fur colors are a lot like ours. Have a fun weekend!

  6. The first thought in my head when the header came up, was oh Nobby you are sooooo cute. then I saw you in the hail and you paws are beyond cute. this is the smallest hail i have ever seen and also usually hail is all different sizes. I bet the little paws were cold... must not be really cold because you do not have on a sweater.. I would love to baby sit a beautiful vase of flowers. or even more baby sit a cute WFT named Nobby

    1. ps, thank you Ann at Zoolatry! you are truly gifted

  7. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, your predecessor might have corrected you regarding the little white balls... I think you will find that they are actually graupel (rimed rain/snow, and not ice). There was lots of them over the Hutch... and we had the slightest amount of snow too! Crazy weather. The sun is shining yet that stuff is falling from some unseen cloud...

    Love the new blog banner and I am so glad you are enjoying your garden regardless of weather... or foxes. Now the question is, did your WFT genes kick in??? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Ooooh you're right YAM-aunty. It probably was graupel. I have SO MUCH to learn. But, let's face it, 'Nobby Graupels his first Nature Friday' doesn't really work as a title for a post!

  8. Nobby well done my wee little Scottish lad! Well done indeed.
    You nailed your first Nature Friday and OMDs you are learning French too:
    petit pois. You continue to amaze me.
    What beautiful flowers Yvonne rec'd from her very thoughtful Daughter.
    I can with 100% certainty tell you had Angel Madi and I been in charge of their care they would have been 'rearranged'!!!!
    Hugs and Happy Friday

  9. PS I love your new header. Ann/Juney are so very talented. Juney (I bet) selected the blue for you...she loves blue.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. How exciting that you got to enjoy your first ever snow, Nobby! Ann made a perfect header for you, too.

  11. OK? You did great Nobby! Flowers, hail AND snow? You captured two seasons perfectly!!

    What a awesome new header, Miss Ann is so very talented, isn't she?
    Rosy, Sunny & Jakey

  12. We are certainly impressed by your hail as most that we have ever seen is "clear" like ice ... yours is much prettier! Wish we could have seen yellow snow though, that is most unusual ...

  13. We’ve just been catching up on your first week…..very busy. Can’t believe you tidied the kitchen! You’re learning so many things….and stamping your own personality on your new world. Good Boy…NICE Nobby!
    We’re impressed with your hail…we rarely get that.

  14. I love your hail! I wish we could've seen your yellow snow, Nobby!

  15. You are lucky to be able to see the tail end of winter then move into the spring where all the good smells pop up from the ground.

  16. You got to play in the snow! What a special treat! We get to play in snow, well we are on month 6, it does lose some of its appeal. We think it was the perfect Nature Friday, snow and flowers. Winter and the promise of spring! Lee and Phod

  17. Isn't life wonderful, Nobby?

  18. Wow! That's a lot of hail! We still have some cold weather here in WNY. We're wishing the nice Spring weather gets to us soon, and to you too!

  19. Well, here on the east coast of the US, mom says she's never seen hail like that! You are getting exposed to all sorts of things Nobby!

    Rosie and Redford

  20. We think you are probably the fastest fox terrier puppy in the world, Nobby! And that pea sized hail is quite impressive. Our hail is clear like ice. XOX Xena, Lucy and Chia


We love it when you woof back!