Friday 20 September 2024

The truth about early morning walks

Today I would like to clear up a potential misapprehension regarding the daily routine in the Gail and Nobby household. 

Here are some photos from my early morning walk yesterday (Thursday).

I suspect that those of my readers who live in hot parts of the world might be thinking thus:  "How considerate of Gail to take Nobby out for a walk first thing, when the sun is low in the sky and the temperatures relatively cool. We would hate to think of him frying in the midday heat."

It is true that this week has been unusually warm and dry for a Scottish September.

But it is most certainly not the case that the weather here gets so hot that a lively WFT would not want to go out for a run, whatever the time of day. Frying in the heat is not a thing in Aberdeen.

The truth is that I am not averse to the occasional lie-in, and the main reason I am 'encouraged' out of the house at the crack of dawn every Thursday morning is so Gail can spend the better part of the day joining her friends for a bike ride through the beautiful Aberdeen countryside while I am left home alone.
The cycling ladies take a break for elevenses at Midmar on Thursday morning

So now you know the truth.. 

I hope all my friends who take part in Nature Friday have been enjoying nice weather and fun outings this week! 


  1. We are out before sunrise this time of year, taking a run and then the rest of us get our walks. Early morning is the best time of day because no one else is out and about and it is so peaceful. Enjoy your early mornings.

  2. Getting an early start on the day is a great thing, Nobby! It's quiet and peaceful and the coolest part of the day and best time of the day!

  3. now we know, Gail is wearing out some of your energy first thing. I can imagine what would happen if left alone without that walk first. Beaus walk comes first because of traffic and HEAT... plus I am an early bird and if it is not done early might not happen

  4. Lovely photographs, Nobby. Were you not tempted to jump into the lake with the wonderful reflections?
    While Gail is out on her bike, you have plenty of time to relax and snooze, and guard the house, of course.

  5. That looks like a very nice walk, Nobby, they are excellent photos of you in the early morning sun.
    It's such a shame that you're left for so long on your own. If we lived a lot nearer you could come and play with me!
    Paca xx

  6. Nobby you know I'm a fan of EMWs...and the reason is I don't like walking when it is 87,000 degrees and 100% humidity. Thankful today the sun is shining after torrential and recording breaking rain in many parts of NC. Sis of Angel Madi had 19.2" of rain in 3 days. I have some photos I'll share next week. What a lovely outing Gail had with her gal pals
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Stunning photos of you and sunrise Nobby - worth getting out of bed for. Looks like Gail had a great day out too.

  8. Wow, those are very handsome shots of you out and about in the early morning! Things are finally starting to cool off a bit here.
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. Oh Nobby ~ you are adorable and love the photos of your early morning walk ~ glad Mom got out with her 'biker' friends too ~ weather is changing a bit in MA USA ~ signs of autumn everywhere including falling temps ~ tis Nature at its best ~ Autumn is my favorite time of year ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I'm glad you made clear the fact that frying in Scotland is a rarity. From the sun. Food's another issue...! And here I am finding your post at last - which took a long time to appear on my reader, despite saying it was published 13 hours back... tsk... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. Those beautiful misty early morning photos of you are just lovely! And be happy for Gail that she gets to hang with her human friends too! It just means that she has a lot of love and friendship to share!

    Rosie and Redford

  12. Nobby, you might say regarding your early morning walk, "first things first" and that makes you appropriately #1. You look stunning in the breaking sunlight.

  13. You sure have some lovely scenery on your early morning walks, Nobby. It's nice of you to let Gail have some time with her friends too.

  14. We do have to go early because of the heat, but next week cooler temps are promised. We hope that means a later in the day stroll so we can see more people, especially kids, on our walks.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Nobby could you kindly tell Gail we are visiting Aberdeen on Tuesday/Wednesday (driving down from Moray Firth) and if the both of you are in town we invite you to lunch or a walk or ... at your suggestion. I thought I had Gail's email address but it eludes me right now. If she leaves it on Tiggers Blog I won't publish the comment.

    1. Yippee! We are in Torridon right now for a flying visit - will be back in Aberdeen tomorrow (Monday) evening. See comment on Tigger's blog.

  16. It has been rather warm here too. We know an early walk likely means Lady is working . . . . they do try and trick us, but we know. Lee and Phod


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