Thursday 26 September 2024

A Very Special Anniversary!

Well done to Cecilia and to Paca! You both guessed correctly in your comments on my Monday post.

Today, 26th September 2024, is indeed the 25th Anniversary of Gail becoming a dog owner for the first time in her life.

It was just 4 months after she'd moved (for work) from London to Aberdeen, and from an upstairs flat to a house with an enclosed garden less than a mile from her office, and she decided it was time to satisfy a life long yearning and acquire a dog. 

As a child, her only pet had been a much loved guinea pig called Arthur. Friends and relatives had dogs and Gail thought she knew quite a lot about them, but really she didn't! 

She saw an advert for a three year old Westie in the local newspaper, phoned the owner, a farmer from near Fraserburgh whose accent Gail found impenetrable but was too embarrassed to admit it. She did figure out that the dog's name was Hamish and he was staying with the farmer's brother in Aberdeen, and she arranged to go to see him. 

This is Gail's diary entry for 26th September 1999 (you can enlarge the image).

For those of you who can't decipher Gail's handwriting, the short version is that Hamish came to live with Gail there and then. Yes there were some 'challenging' moments in the very early days, but Gail says she never regretted her decision. 

Here is Hamish in November 1999, down in Nottingham for a visit to Gail's parents (both sadly no longer alive). I wonder if  her Dad, then a youthful looking 78 years old, was entirely happy to have Hamish plonked on his lap?

Hamish lived with Gail for over a decade, and in his later years started a blog called, of course, Hamish the Westie, which is still live on the internet.

He had a calm temperament, a good 'starter dog' Gail says, albeit one with a hefty dose of that Westie stubbornness so typical of his breed.....

In 2010, when Hamish was coming to the end of his life, Gail could not imagine she would ever be able to find space in her heart for another dog. But after he was gone, she realised that a dog-shaped hole in the house badly needed filling, and in fairly short order there came a new puppy, Bouncing Bertie, whom many readers will remember well.

And after Bertie, in 2022, me! 


  1. what a wonderful milestone... and what a good decision to live with a dog...

  2. Happy Hamish. What a lovely anniversary, more important than any birthday or other 'significant' day. Great decision! 🐶

  3. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, a lot is owed to Hamish for kick-starting Gail's dog and blogging career and bringing you all to us! Happy days. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Happy Anniversary to you, Gail. You had/have the most wonderful pups!

  5. Hamish is beautiful, he is so much like another bloggers, Duke and so glad you started your life with pups and with us.. 3 wonderful dogs, Happy Anniversary of the best years of your life... we know about the dog sized hole and Beau is our 6th since 1985..

  6. Happy Anniversary on your dog ownership journey, Gail. We've enjoyed reading your posts over the years from all your dogs.

  7. Bertie and Nobby owe their thanks to Hamish for he surely paved the way to your heart. I recall many Hamish 'stories' especially the time he decided to take tea at your parents and had is paws on your Mom's fine lace tablecloth, she was not at all impressed with his table manners.
    I loved the photo of your Dad and Hamish. And I end by thanking Hamish too for if he had not been in your life we would never have met you.
    He made all our lives BETTER
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Hamish looks such a handsome boy and just like the two Westies who live opposite to me, but boy, are they noisy! They could bark for Europe!
    I don't know anything about Bertie, but Carol tells me he was a beautiful dog and was a runner-up in the competition for Scotland's Ambassordog! That's how she first came to know about him. Now, if they still do that, Nobby, you could enter!
    (P.S. from Carol - when the Westies opposite start barking, Paca always joins in and makes more noise than both of them barking together!)

  9. What a wonderful anniversary to celebrate. Mama remembers Hamish, and what a handsome Westie he was!
    Sunny and Rosy

  10. Happy anniversary!!! And thank you for telling us the story of Hamish. Mom and our Angels did not know him because we didn't meet Gail until the time of Bouncing Bertie. Hamish looks like a very nice dog, and he will forever be treasured as Gail's first dog.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. How beautiful Hamish was and larger than I thought. What a fine fellow! Unfortunately I didn't know your blog in those days and came on board with dear Bertie. And now what a lovely dog Nobby has turned out to be.

    1. Gail says: Hamish was definitely at the larger end of the Westie size spectrum!

  12. It took me a moment to figure out "wistful stare," which was quite touching. Clearly, you were meant for each other.

    1. Gail says: I remember that looks so well. Hamish always had such an expressive face, whereas both the fox terriers have expressed themselves much more through body language and posture!

  13. I emailed Sandra earlier this morning got this short text.
    "Would you pass the word on to as many as you can that our power is off don't know when it will be back. I can't email because uses my data. We're okay but everything is a mess our cars are trapped inside the garage and we're trying to find a way to get one out because Bob has a 4:00 doctor's appointment. No permanent harm done but not good we're melting into a puddle and Beau is saying please Mommy turn on the air conditioner"

  14. Thank you so much for sharing how you started on this dog love journey. We think Gail's pups have been lucky to have such a great person. Lee and Phod

  15. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! This is a very special anniversary indeed! We are glad your Gail discovered Dogs, we make lives better. Happy anniversary!


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