Friday 30 August 2024

Glen Tanar and memories

Today's post is a double header, combining the LLB Gang's 'Nature Friday' bloghop with YAM-aunty's Final Friday Feature.  

Gail adds some context: A week ago Nobby and I enjoyed a long walk around Glen Tanar with the husband of a close friend who died over a decade ago, and this outing inspired Nobby's poem.

Glen Tanar 

I trot along beside these two old friends
As they share memories of one whom, differently,
They both adored. 
Ten years it’s been, for fractured hearts to mend,
But still there’s hurt, despite the time gone by,
Deep down, where love is stored.

The ancient pines spread out their branches wide,
Allowed to breathe, to flourish undisturbed,
And two old friends will also talk
Of hobbies, interests, topics of all kind,
And all the while, and mostly unperturbed
An undertow of sadness stalks.

She loved this place as we three also do.
As we tramp onwards through the tranquil glade,
Some thoughts are not expressed.
I’m ruminating on my favourite food,
My doggy brain is rather simply made,  
The humans’ more complex. 


  1. That brought a tear to my eye Nobby - and I wonder if you really were ruminating on you fav food - you seem well tuned to the atmosphere of the humans.

  2. Awww, how sweet to have shared memories like that. That is a beautiful tribute to the gone before friend and wife.

  3. that was very touching... we agree sometimes we would love to see it like a dog when thinking like a human is to complicated.... hugs to you all

  4. Lovely words, Nobby, and very astute. I think you all brought comfort to each other.

  5. What a beautiful poem and a lovely place to walk, Nobby.

  6. Nobby, that's a beautiful poem, such a special way to remember a much-loved friend and wife. Glen Tanar looks an ideal place to reflect on happy memories.
    Paca xx

  7. Hari Om
    Well, Nobby, that hit the mark I'd say. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Nobby and Gail my goodness me what a lovely heartfelt poem to a friend who shared a special bond with Gail and I'm sure all who knew and loved her.
    Hugs cecilia

  9. What a beautiful poem of two friends enjoying a walk and remembering their lost loved one. You look like you were enjoying yourself on the walk too, Nobby.

  10. Quite lovely and heartfelt; especially as today would have been (and still is, although with him) D's birthday.

  11. What a beautiful poem you have there. Those special ones are never forgotten, though the tears are less, the heart still aches.

  12. Such a lovely tribute to who sounds to be, a very special person!
    Rosy & Sunny

  13. I think it is good to walk with an old friend and remember the times you had when there were three. it is good for our hearts to talk about loved ones gone before us. I am sure Nobby knew you were both sad, canine just KNOw

  14. Beautiful poem and Nobby it is always so wonderful to see you sweet one ~ lots of hugs ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Kind of puts my poem about the guy living in the woods to shame.

    1. Ruby we love your poems. So clever and they always make us laugh.

  16. Gail is a wonderful writer and not embarrassing like our Lady. Lee and Phod


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