Friday 19 July 2024

No sunshine but lots of lilies

I must begin today with an apology. 

After last week's post full of roses for our LLB Gang friend Rosy, I had promised that today I'd find some sunshine for her sister Sunny

Sadly I have failed. July has brought nothing but cloud and yet more cloud to NE Scotland...

While the humans have all been grumbling about the cool wet summer here in Scotland, it seems the conditions have suited the water lilies on Loch Kinord just fine. 

On Wednesday afternoon Gail stood on the loch shore taking photos but I opted for a closer look.

Yes they really are that pretty! 

Happy Nature Friday! And once again thanks to our lovely LLB Gang friends for hosting this our favourite blog hop.


  1. Hari Om
    Well, Nobby... for half a moment there I thought you were going to present Gail with a bonny bloom. But you stuck to your doghood and brought a stick. Well done that lad! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. How lovely to come across such pretty water lilies Nobby. They make up for the sun not shining.
    Paca xx

  3. Great vistas of water lilies - Monet would have loved them.

  4. Water Lilies are one of mom's favorite flowers and you got an up-close look, Nobby!

  5. We finally are getting a break from the rain, and we are loving the cooler summer this year. Seeing the sunshine does brighten everyone's mood for sure.

  6. this is a proper nature Friday if I ever saw one.. you swim beautifully Nobby.. gorgesous even without the sun

    1. Nobby replies: Thank you for complimenting me on my swimming skills. Can you believe that Gail was quite rude about my doggy paddle style, saying there was no danger of anyone ever mistaking me for Michael Phelps...

  7. NObby I wish I could send you some of our (extremely) H O T sun...and you could send me some wonderfully Wet rain or even clouds they would keep our temp down. The lilies are lovely
    BOL BOL BOL I love your video and OMDs you found returned to shore with a 'tree'! Great shake too
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Those are beautiful lilies Nobby! We are very impressed with your bouncy swimming/fetching skills too!
    Rosy & Sunny(who would really enjoy some cooler Scottish weather about now)

  9. Water lilies are lovely ~ great photos and videos ~ great to see you sweet Nobby swimming and having a good time ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Wate lilies in the wild - how spectacular. Don't let anyone tell you that your swimming skills are anything less than first class (for a WFT).

  11. There sure are lots of beautiful lilies on the water. You did a great job retrieving that stick, Nobby.

  12. We hope Gail appreciated all your superb swimming to retrieve that stick for her. You swim quite well, and we were quite impressed with the shake:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. You are quite a water dog, Nobby! I was unaware that your breed liked water....learn something new every day, eh?

    1. Gail says: Nobby is the first terrier I've had who is happy to go for a swim (only in summer).

  14. We hope the sun comes back soon. The lilies were a great find. Lee and Phod

  15. That looks so pretty and cool---and what a great swimmer you are! We are very impressed!!!

    Rosie and Redford


We love it when you woof back!