Friday 5 July 2024

Home to vote

For the last day of our tour of England, we spent the night with Gail's friends Steve and Drusilla in their beautiful home in Cumbria.

Resident Jack Russell Dora has a reputation for being "terrier-torial", but after some initial hesitation (involving teeth baring) she accepted my presence in the kitchen with moderately good grace.

In the evening Gail and Steve, cycling enthusiasts both, settled down to watch the Tour de France highlights. Dora and I had been hoping that, in the extreme excitement of seeing Mark Cavendish achieve his record breaking 35th stage win, the humans might forget to guard the cheese plate, but sadly it was not to be...

It would have been nice to stay in this lovely part of the country and enjoy the hospitality of Gail's friends for a few days longer. I mean, I was starting to feel quite at home.

But Gail said no. Apparently it was important to head back to Aberdeen in time to vote in the General Election. 


  1. Hari OM
    Well Nobby, you have my symapthy for having to move along so quickly. I had a marathon (for me) drive yesterday to get back to Dunoon for voting. Arrived in the booth a little after 7pm. Phew. Then made the mistake of starting to watch the Ch4 reporting... am watching the sunrise over the Clyde ... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. I loved seeing you two anticipating some cheese!! Shucks, you got none?? What a shame!

  3. Bummer you didn't get any - and cheese is so yummy!

  4. Cheeeese Gromit. If looks could will cheese to fly....

  5. two twerriers in da house wow!! but we bet it was suĆ¼er funny. all the good luck for teh election... our is this sunday...

  6. Wow! What an outcome to the election! A trip home to visit the polling place IS more important than a second attempt at a cheese plate, Nobby! In New Hampshire, though, the "ladies" of the village always supplied baked goods at town meetings and polling places, making it doubly sweet to vote.

    1. The UK election result is good news, according to Gail.

    2. In my humble opinion, as well, and my All Canadian dogs agree with me...

  7. I am now shuddering just thinking of our coming voting polls.. hope yours is better than ours. You do look like you claimed the bed as your own Nice Nobby..

  8. It was important to vote, Nobby, so it was good to get back home. You and Dora look as though you reached an understanding - the prospect of cheese always helps, even if unfulfilled.

  9. We're glad to hear Dora warmed up to you and shared her home with you, Nobby. Did you two get any of that tasty cheese? Who did you vote for in the election, Nobby?

  10. Nobby good to see you overcame the dreaded DEADED meal you tried to eat.
    Dora was smart to warm up to you we all know how great a friend you can be.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Goodness, Steve needed to keep a tight grip on that cheese with you and Dora giving it such close attention. Though it seems there was plenty of cheese on the platter for all to enjoy.

  12. What a beautiful cottage Nobby, Mama is always amazed at the beauty of European architecture....We are more amazed to see that wonderful selection of cheese!
    Rosy & Sunny

  13. Oscar didn't think much of the polling station - no treats, no interesting smells (doggie wise) and made us late for the beach...

  14. That surely is a very beautiful home. We are glad you and Gail had such a good time with friends. So much change in the world with elections. We hope your country fares well. Wish us luck with our upcoming elections - a true turmoil.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Are you finally going to end Larry the cat's reign of terror.

  16. What a lovely home and so nice of your friends and Dora for being such good hosts! But really, they should have shared some of that yummy cheese!

    Rosie and Redford

  17. We are glad that Dora was willing to host you. It looks like you had the most wonderful time away. We hope you made it home safely to vote. Lee and Phod


We love it when you woof back!