Friday 14 June 2024

Buttercups versus Puffins

Well I thought readers would like to see a nice photo of me standing amid the buttercups for today's Nature Friday post. 

But, for the second week in a row, it seems Gail wants to shoehorn in some pictures of her own, taken on outings when I was not present.

Last week it was Slovenia, this week it was her Thursday bicycle ride, when she and four pals pedalled down from Aberdeen to the RSPB's Fowlsheugh Nature Reserve for a spot of puffin spotting.

It seems they were successful, and although I am not convinced that even Gail's best puffin photo passes my usual stringent quality threshold, I understand it was probably better that my owner did not attempt to scramble down the cliffs in search of the perfect shot...

Thank you once again to our LLB Gang friends for hosting Nature Friday, always our favourite blog hop. 


  1. Puffins! My favourite bird, though I gather close association with them can be quite smelly.

    1. Gail says: it was the thousands and thousands of guillemots, kittiwakes, razorbills, fulmars, gulls etc. perched on the cliffs who were responsible for the pungent aroma, rather than the dozen or so puffins nesting at the northern end of the reserve!

  2. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, I'm a bit jealous that Gail got to see the puffins... I don't think I will make it in time to see them as my current trip plans are a bit congested... the picture of you with the buttercups, though, is really no contest! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I've only ever seen puffins in pictures or on TV - never in person and we love the picture of you posing with the beautiful buttercups, Nobby!

  4. We didn't know what Puffins are until now. Too bad you didn't get to go along on the bike ride, but it would not be much fun most likely for dogs. The flowers are really pretty!

  5. the photo quality doesn't matter, it is proof positive that Gail did indeed spot a couple of puffins... wow, are they cute and funny birds. you look so handsome with the flowers ...

  6. Nobby what a fine pose in the first photo...given the choice of buttercups or Puffins..I'd chose Puffins. I'd love to see one in person but it is 87 kinds of hot in the south they would not like it. Gail and biking pals I'm with y'all long distance viewing is what I'd do too
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. You are so cute sniffing the buttercups, Nobby. Puffins are cute, but we were amazed at how many birds were perched on the cliff wall in that last picture. We had to biggify the picture to see them better.

  8. Wow, we don't have any Puffins here. I wish we did, they would make a nice change from the wretched seagulls and pigeons!
    That's a nice photo of you and the buttercups Nobby.
    Paca xx

  9. What a handsome porrtrait of you with the buttercups, Nobby....We think it is much nicer than any olde Puffin picture. Of course, our Mama is ooo-ing and awww-ing at Gail spotting Puffins(seeing a Puffin is on Mama's bucket list)
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. i love all the photos but you in the buttercups is the beat.

  11. Nobby ~ sweet and beautiful photo of you among the buttercups ~ Gail ~ so glad to see your 'out and about' photos too. ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Viewing the puffins was an adventure! Love the puffin-related photos....and you, too, Nobby!

  13. The puffins are very cute, but we really love that first photo of handsome Nobby in the patch of buttercups

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. The puffins are pretty cool, but Nobby we like you in the flowers best. Lee and Phod


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