Friday 10 May 2024

Roaming free (eventually) on Morven

The weather was set fair on Wednesday for a roam up and around Morven, our favourite Aberdeenshire Hill.

See how I am on a lead at the start of the walk. 

This unsatisfactory situation persisted while we ascended the first, rather steep, section of the hill.

Gail claimed I was restrained because of the sheep grazing on the lower slopes. But we passed a group of hikers who offered an alternative explanation. They had paused to 'admire the view' (i.e. catch their breath) and commented on how lucky Gail was to have a dog helping to pull her up the stiff gradient.

Do you think they were right?

What's certainly true is that when we reached the gentler slopes of the broad summit plateau I was at last allowed to roam free. So I raced on ahead, stopping only occasionally to remind Gail to hurry up and ensure we reached the small summit shelter ahead of the group we'd passed.

I'm pleased to say we made it! As usual on top of a hill in Scotland, even the least protection from the wind was welcome.

I was a good boy and did not chase the solitary mountain hare we saw near the highest point, or the brace of ptarmigan on stony ground a bit lower down. Gail failed to catch these on her camera, but she did take some photos of the wild, expansive landscapes which we both love.

Near the end of the walk, and entirely of my own volition, I took preemptive action to avoid the need for a bath in the kitchen sink.

Wild swimming (or at least wading) is so much more fun than a home shampoo, don't you think?

Happy Nature Friday friends! Once again we are delighted to take part in the LLB Gang's always wonderful blog hop.


  1. It must have been a lovely, cooling dip in that beautifully clear water.

  2. What a super walk you had Nobby and what fantastic views from the top. Well worth the climb - and you were good enough to help Gail up most of the way!
    We stopped off at the dog park this morning on our way to the supermarket, so I got to have a run around off my lead. Sadly there was only a rather shy Rotty there, so I didn't have anyone to play with. I'd much rather have climbed Morven with you and Gail!
    Paca xx

  3. Following on from Gail;'s comment on Dorset landscape (contrast with yours) and I LOVE them both. New Zealand is capable of providing such variety too - a feature possibly of the latitudes we both span at opposite ends of the globe. Nobby I love every photo of you but especially running with your ears pinned back and taking a voluntary laundry diversion. Good of you to wash your own overalls. Your skyscapes are also an awesome collection of cloud shapes.
    PS - I grew up and went to school in Morven (NZ)

  4. Wow, what a great place to be off leash to run and wander. We are never off leash unless the area is fenced because we would take off at the first sighting of a critter. Happy Friday!

  5. ha ha on the pulling Gail up, we think they may have been correct since she allowed running free at the top. wow on the views, I have never seen anything like these other than photos. also have not walked up a hill like this since I was 15 and we moved back to the flat as a pancake Southern USA..

  6. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, that was a most wonderfurs outing, no doubt about it. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  7. You always have the bestest adventures, Nobby!

  8. Nobby OMDs X 100 to fully descriube yourbeautiful countryside I need a 87 tons of adjectives. Truly gorgeous. WOW I'm sure you were helping Gail along the steep path...mainly so you could get there quickly.
    Inquiring minds want to know if you also had a sink dip when you got home
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. I'm delighted to report that I was deemed "clean enough" and thus was let off the indignity of the sink dip back home.

  9. What a beautiful place for a hike. The views are so expansive and one of your pictures looks like the hillside is a patchwork quilt.

  10. Wow! What an expansive mountain hike ~ Nobby you are adorable and were so good ~
    wish we had a place like that to roam ~ 'I' love to be 'off leash' but so many people and other dogs around and I am still learning to be off the lead.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. What fabulous views and a grand outing, Nobby but I was rather taken aback by the hikers' assumption that Gail needed towing up the steep slope.

  12. What beautiful views you get to admire during your hikes Nobby! Like the GBGV pups, we aren't allowed off lead because of our tendency to lose our hearing when we spot a critter!
    Yay for no paw bath!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  13. We think. you may be on to something there, Nobby. Whenever we hit the upward part of the hill, we are pretty sure we hear Mom panting - help me up there, Misty or Timber:). Downhill is a totally different story - for some reason she wants us to let up:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. you caught your mom in a whopper of a lie. That's okay, you can outrun her, and her lies. I love a dip in the water as long as there are no soap suds


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