Monday 1 April 2024

Law abiding citizens ..?

You know, until this weekend, I had always thought Gail's friends M and J were upright and law abiding citizens.

How wrong I was. 

On Saturday morning, we met M and J, and also their friend K, for a walk around the Castle Fraser estate. 

Avoiding the hordes of children taking part in an Easter egg hunt, we headed away from the castle and in the direction of the woodland walk. 

But oh dear, it seemed our favourite path was closed on safety grounds.

I assumed we'd take the diversion, but the humans decided to ignore the sign.

K, who is originally from the Netherlands, made a joke about how he thought Germans always obeyed rules. M firmly reminded him that she is Austrian not German, and peace in our time was restored. 

So we skirted round the barrier and soon came to the tranquil 'Flight Pond', where Gail and M stopped to take photos while J and K searched in vain for dangerous sinkholes. 

We would all like to thank the National Trust for Scotland for putting up misleading signs and thus allowing our little party of rebels to enjoy a walk to a favourite beauty spot free of (law abiding) Easter weekend crowds...
photo by M


  1. Hari Om
    Well, Nobby, what a hearty bunch of reprobates you keep company with! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Nobby! I'm surprised that you associate with law breakers (or ignorers of danger signs!). You look such a good boy, and especially attentive in that last photo, was Gail holding a treat?
    We're waiting for the day to warm up a bit before we venture out . It's only 8ÂșC, but there are already rain clouds on the horizon - we are used to much better weather than the rain we've had these last two days.
    Paca xx

  3. Sometimes you just have to follow your own instincts.

    1. Gail says: instinct and experience has taught us that the NTS tends to be over-zealous in its approach to heath and safety policy.

  4. You had the entire trail to yourselves and it is so beautiful! Good for you for being rebels!

  5. now we know why tourists that visit our beaches ignore the signs and red flags that say no swimming and go swimming and get swept out to sea. If I were there, I would not have followed the path. I am happy there was no dangers and you all got back alive to tell the tale...

  6. We're glad nobody fell into the imaginary sink hole and you all had a great walk in peace.

  7. BOL BOL BOL Nobby life on the edge is thrilling and when you take the road less traveled beauty awaits.
    I did so enjoy seeing your photos and OMDs the clouds reflecting in the water!!!
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS I'd love to know the long story behind Doodle #3 too. Maybe some day.

  8. Sometimes you need to break a few laws to enjoy the beauty

  9. We can totally understand, after seeing the beautiful pictures, why the humans decided to be rebels!

    We love the way you are looking up at Gail in that last picture...:-)
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. What a lovely walk, Nobby, with the added thrill of being on the wrong side of the law. I do think you might have enjoyed joining that Easter egg hunt though.

  11. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! I bet you found the best part of the trail! The humans don't always know what they're talking about!

  12. We will not tell anyone about the rule breaking peeps, but we must say it sure was a beautiful day to break the law:). Look at that blue sky!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Haha, looks like not following the rules really worked out for you all! What a very pretty walk you had!

    Rosie and Redford


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