Friday 5 April 2024

A damp tramp around the 'Gramps'

The weather has not been what one might call 'Nature Friday friendly' these past few days.

Gail says if I post some photos of our wet Wednesday walk around Kincorth Hill, aka the 'Gramps', first, then she will permit me do a bit of boasting about my recent performance at agility training, even though that has absolutely nothing to do with 'nature' as is understood in the context of the LLB Gang's blog hop

Of course it is in my nature to be a future superstar in the dog agility world. Often I am held back by confusing directions from Gail. Also, my 'creative' approach to running the set course tends to go unappreciated.  But just this time, I am pleased to present you with a short video in which both dog and handler got it mostly right!


  1. That was a very damp tramp indeed Nobby - if it had been me, I would have stayed at home!
    You did very well on the agility course - I can see a future star there. Can't wait to see you showing off your skills on TV, when you make it to the finals of "Britain's Got Talent"!
    Paca xx

  2. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, I applaud both your weather resilience and agility persistence! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx (still in Tayport, delayed by storm Kathleen...)

  3. I love the way Nobby looked to you for assurance he was going the right way - delightful.

    1. Gail says: Delightful yes, but represents a loss of time in a competitive dog agility context!

  4. Your wet weather looks like the stuff we've been having for most of the week and you and Gail work wonderfully together, Nobby! We loved your video!

  5. The wet weather doesn't look like fun. Mom would not want to walk us in all those puddles and stuff. Have fun with agility. I did agility as a younger hound and earned my novice titles but we didn't really like it so we quite. Bailie and Olivia didn't like it at all so they never did any competitions and Nelson isn't really a good build for agility. It is fun if your dog loves it like you do.

  6. your walk about is only good for those who love mud. you are excellent at that and wild clapping for a job well done on that course. I am thinking another year and you will be PERFECT! although what you did here looks perfect to me. i am going by the words typed by Gail..

  7. GIGGLING at the title of the post Nobby.
    I bet there was a lot of paw washing this week.
    OMDs look at you fly thru the air like superman.
    Excellent concentration on Gail and
    GAIL I am in awe of your agility too
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You had lots of fun puddles to play in Nobby. We loved seeing you doing so great at the agility training.

  9. Mud, mud, glorious mud, nothing quite like it .... Well done on your agility success. I feel certain you have no issues with agility generally and that this exercise in connecting various obstacles in the right order deserves a different description - but well done on that too.

  10. Bravo, Nobby, on your star performance on the agility course! A little creativity is surely worth extra points.

  11. We are always happy to see you romping in the rain Nobby! Mama used to do that with Angel Arty.

    What an expert you are becoming in are faster than fast!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  12. Wow, that was a great job from both of you!!! We are impressed. Mom has always wished she tried agility with one of us or our Angels, but she doesn't think she would ver be able to keep up the pace. Keep up the great work.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Gail is doing very well with her agility training Nobby! We hope she had a tea or something after. We think it is related to Nature Friday because you are practicing jumping logs you may see on a walk in the mountains. Lee and Phod who have a lot of rain coming


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