Friday 1 March 2024

Windy Thursday and Peak Crocus

I do my best to be a Good, Helpful Boy, I really do. 

Having learned that, no matter how much of a 'sad face' I put on, Gail will go out for a bicycle ride with her friends every Thursday morning when we are in Aberdeen, I have taken the advice of those who say you should "chose your attitude". So instead of sulking and being resentful, which would be a natural response, I try to act positive and I post on the cycling WhatsApp group a weather report from Duthie Park first thing, thus the ladies know what to expect when they head off for their weekly outing. 

Yesterday I posted this.

When Gail returned home at around 2:30 pm she was looking more than usually windswept and exhausted and said trying to balance on two wheels in 30 mph (gusting 40 - 50 mph) cross winds had made her head feel all fuzzy.

Later, I saw more messages on the WhatsApp group. 

I was a tiny bit miffed to find myself being accused of 'understatement'.

Was it my fault that the windspeed increased so much between my 7 am walk and the time, two hours later, when the ride started?

Worse, Gail seemed reluctant to take me for another walk that day, even though the wind dropped later on. In the end we compromised and I settled for a short stroll, back to the park, where it is now Peak Crocus.

Happy Nature Friday friends! 


  1. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, sometimes there is underappreciation, too! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. wow that was sure a tough bike day with the wind... we so agree... we love that crocus world... the mama once was at such a meadow where this cute little guys came out in january what was one of the seven wonders or something like that. the people pilgered along that meadow to see the wonder. so the 6 or 7 years old mama and her clan, with uncle arthur and his irish setter ivo ... the mama pesterd the uncle for hours to hold the leash of ivo till he gave in but said NEVER!!!! EVER! let it go... the mama promised and off they went... da ivo was a well trained hunting dog and walked next to the mama till he saw a rabbit and the chance to chase it because the uncle artur was far away somewhere in the crocus watchers procession... and because the mama sticked with her promisse to hold the leash by all means , the dog pulled her on her belly over the meadow like a snow plow... they all looked not good, neither the ivo nor the mama nor the crocus meadow, nor the uncle arthur who passed the following fine to our grampy two weeks later ...therefore the mama is glad to watch such a meadow via your blog...

  3. Gail and her friends deserve a medal - the ride sounds tough.
    I like your forecasting, Nobby - very helpful.

  4. That sounds like it was one very tough ride for the ladies! The hundreds of crocuses are just beautiful!

  5. You had me at the field of Crocus! wow and wow! you do look so good standing in them and I would like to have a bouquet of them on my kitchen table. we vote it was not your fault the wind blew harder and longer.. they are lucky to have you let them know about what is coming, not your fault they waited two hours and it changed.. can't imagine riding in that kind of wind, its hard enough to walk Beau in it

  6. We've had nasty winds here lately and they are not fun even for walking. Your crocus flowers are really pretty. Have a fun weekend!

  7. Good of you to do weather forecasting - they should have been more grateful, but you should ask Gail about Michael Fish and his famous (infamous) forecast concerning a hurricane. Poor man never lived it down.

  8. Nobby what a lovely field of posies for your pose. "Understatement" cracked me up. You tried to warn them but alas that warning was not heard due to the wind they call Mariah. Gail I admire you and your lady bikers. Truly admire you
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You can't be blamed for reporting the present conditions when you made your post, Nobby. How were you to know it would get even windier later in the day? We love seeing all those beautiful crocus flowers. Around here we don't usually see them for another couple of months, but after having a record warm winter we might see them much sooner.

  10. It all looks lovely, with you standing amongst the pretty crocus, Nobby.
    You did your best for Gail and her cycling pals, you did mention that it was breezy and it was really up to them to check the weather forecast before they set out! What a good boy you were to be so positive about being left alone. I just have a nap when I'm left alone, then I have plenty of energy to play when Carol comes home!
    Paca xx

  11. As far as understatements go, I think your ears told the whole story in your timely weather forecast, Nobby. You're looking very fine amid the splendid crocus display.

  12. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! We have had Big Wind too! We have those flowers too! Maybe we live closer together than I thought?

  13. First...Wow...what a ride that must have been for Gail!!
    Next....We love your pretty purple crocus, and you look very handsome standing among them..
    Last, and most importantly...Did Gail bring you back some of the "lovely cakes from Monymusk"?
    Rosy & Sunny

  14. Nobby ~ you look so adorable amongst the crocus ~ beautiful bed of flowers surrounding you ~ understand about the weather ~ Ziggy and I were out walking yesterday (Th) and it was frigid and excessively windy ~ such that Ziggy at the end of our walk he seemed to race back to the car ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. You've got to set your mommy free from time to time to see if they return, it they did it means they love you.

  16. You are a weather forecaster too! You are so very helpful to Gail and her friends! And the peak crocus field is so pretty and a sure sign that spring will be here in a jiffy, right?

    Rosie and Redford


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