Wednesday 17 January 2024

Nordic Nobby

Finally, Proper Snow! 

First thing Monday morning, Duthie Park had a covering of about two inches.

After persistent flurries throughout the day, a ski-able amount had accumulated, and Gail's friends posted this photo from nearby Kirkhill Forest.

What are we waiting for Gail?

I'm thrilled to report that I did not have to wait long, and on Tuesday morning I was invited to join Gail and her friend Anita for a cross country skiing outing on nearby Hazlehead Golf Course.

Gail is thrilled to report that Nobby passed his first proper try out as cross country skiing companion with flying colours. He behaved like a perfect gent throughout the two hours Anita and I were enjoyably swooshing around the golf course. He didn't bark at the skis, run off, chase after other dogs or get in the way, and he even endured the obligatory snowball removal process at the end of the outing with good grace! 


  1. wow that is amazing... and you have always enough ammo for a snowball match... great!!!

  2. That looks most invigorating. I bet Nobby slept well after that outing.

  3. What fun you had Nobby, will you be getting your own skis?
    Paca xx

    1. Hi Paca,
      I am thinking a little sled that Gail can tow behind her would be good.

  4. Good boy Nobby. Don't tell Gail but working in Bergen years ago i encountered a woman out skiing, Nordic style of course, being towed along by her dog (about your size). It might have been a collaborative process but the k9 was definitely doing some of the work.

  5. It looks like you had a great time in your perfect snow, Nobby. Love your sweater!

  6. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby lad... pawhaps you have a St Bernard - or maybe a Husky - deep in your bloodline!!! Despite all the promises of the weather apps, there has been no sign of snow here by the Hutch... indeed, despite the sub-zero temps, there is barely even a frost. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Wow! I am impressed. we just took our walk in our freezing temp of 47 brrr degrees. ha ha not sure what beau would do in snow but you are really grrrrreat Nobby. Good Job to you and Gail swishing around for 2 hours.

  8. It looks like you had lots of fun in the snow. We don't even have as much as you do!

  9. NOBBY you are one happy guy and Gail is one happy skier knowing that you are a lover of snow and did so well on the trek.
    I love (and always have) the Nordic Sweater.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Excellent job Nobby. I love how you get the snow balls on your legs.

  11. Go Nobby!! You and Gail both look pretty darn happy, we are so glad you finally got some snow!
    Sunny and Rosy

  12. Nobby, if you can get Gail to find that sled, we would all be honored to pull you and her through the snow:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Wow, that skiing looks so cool! But those ice balls on your legs, Nobby, that is really cool!!


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