Monday 22 January 2024

Nobby and the Book Group

I am wondering whether any of my readers, or their humans, are members of a book group? 

Gail's book group was supposed to meet at our house last week, and it was to my great disappointment that due to the snowy weather they decided to conduct the gathering on Zoom instead. 

One usually hopes to snaffle some foodables while the book group ladies' attention is elsewhere. 

I was however able to eavesdrop on their on-line discussion about the latest novel (selected by Gail) and I am pleased to report that they had a lively debate, as some loved 'Death and the Penguin' by Ukrainian author Andrey Kurkov, and others did not. 

I was a bit surprised that this book was not universally popular*, as surely the presence of a penguin as one of the principal characters could not fail to delight. 

When I looked at the list of past books read by the group I realised that there is a glaring absence in the subject matter they have covered to date. 

Where are the books featuring dogs?

Gail tells me that not everyone in her book group is a dog lover and in fact at least one member is notably uncomfortable around my species. Which got me thinking.

Perhaps my readers could suggest a book - fiction or non-fiction - which might prompt those friends of Gail who are not convinced about delights of canine companionship to reconsider?

*For the record, Gail greatly enjoyed the dark humour of this satire on society in 1990s Ukraine. 


  1. Three Men in a Boat, The Life of Dogs, Konrad Lorenz, 101 Dalmatians - I could go on . . .

    1. Nobby says thanks for the excellent suggestions!
      Gail wonders if the famous quote about Montmorency in 'Three Men in a Boat', that "Fox Terriers are born with about four times as much original sin in them as other dogs are" is likely to further Nobby's cause...

  2. what? there are people who are not in love with dogs... a mystery...

  3. Perhaps Gail could write a book about dogs? She has had plenty of experience and adventures with her canine companions over the years. She could write a whole one just about you!
    Paca xx

  4. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I do like the new header photo... as for boos and dogs, two that I very much enjoyed were;
    The Story of Rose (A Man and His Dog) by Jon Katz
    Following Atticus by Tom Ryan
    Both are biographical... but for fiction and sheer lighthearted fun, I like the Adam and Bagel Mysteries. Happy reading! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Nobby - some people are just like that. Mr B's nephew had, all his growing up years, an unreasonable and exceptional fear of K9s - even the oldest, calmest, unmoving ones. We have no idea what his wife did to him but they now have a small dachshund called Dougie and it has transformed him. Maybe hypnosis would be more effective than a book....

  6. I second Yam's recommendations, particularly Following Atticus, although I also enjoyed The Story of Rose. I found Following Atticus memorable.

  7. I have read Where Crawdads sing and saw the movie which was as usual nothing as good as the book. its been a while and i can't remember what it was about. I read 2 to 4 hours every day of my life. lots of titles in the head. No book clubs for me, i like what i like and if i don't like it i put it down. that doesn't do well with a book club. also, I don't care what other people think of the book I am reading. i like it or I don't.
    My sister-in-law is terrified of all dogs no matter the size, and even when she baby sits her daughters family dog, a Jack Russle Terrier, she doesn't pet or talk to him, just goes in and lets him out and back in the house and leaves him. her family had no dogs or cats. My dad despised all cats/dogs, all of them. My brother and my mom and myself loved all critters with 4 legs. no idea why.
    there are many that I know who don't like little dogs, or don't like big dogs. I don't get it.

  8. Nobby
    First what is the cause of the one individual who uncomfortable around dogs?
    I expect she has never met a WFT Gentleman with such manners and charm as you. I am one who judges a book by is cover. BOL MOL LOL. I am always drawn to books either with animals on the cover or in the title. Often I am surprised to find as I read there are furries in the story. I read Where the Crawdads Sing. The first few pages did not grab me so I was about to give up until Murphy and Stanley told me they Mom suggested I read the first chapter. She was right I did enjoy it. I haven't read Breakfast at Tiffany's but I totally enjoyed the movie.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Mom loved the last book we reviewed - Free Days With George by Colin Campbell. She can't wait to read it again. Love your new blog header photo, Nobby!

  10. It's too bad the book club members weren't able to enjoy your company due to the weather, Nobby. No doubt you would have won over any of the non dog lovers.

  11. That is an impressive list but you are right, ti could use a dog

  12. Nobby, thank you for posting Gail's book club list. It's given me several good ideas. But, as you note, there is a conspicuous absence.

  13. How about The Art of Racing in the Rain???

  14. Mom's book club just read "Fox and I" and while it is not about a dog, it is a wonderful book about a fellow wild canine! We have so many foxes here in our park and now in the alleys so we wanted to know more. And that is a pretty impressive list there, with many of the book we have read too!


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